Resource Library
Our comprehensive resource library offers building professionals guidance and insights from project teams and experts to inform the development of effective decarbonization roadmaps for their properties. This living platform hosts a growing collection of invaluable resources, including case studies, technical guides, best practices, and educational materials, all geared towards promoting the adoption and success of low-carbon retrofits, and a more sustainable future in building design and operation.
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High Rise | Low Carbon Multifamily
A global survey of 14 high-rise multifamily retrofit profiles that achieved deep energy reductions.
Retrofit Playbook for Large Buildings Launch Event
On June 11, 2024, NYSERDA, BE-Ex, RMI, and Urban Land Institute hosted the launch of the Retrofit Playbook for Large Buildings, showcasing replicable approaches for low-carbon retrofits from cohorts of the Empire Building Challenge. Additionally,…
The Role of Design Charrettes in Building Decarbonization Planning
A detailed overview of design charrette workshops and how they can be used to enhance decarbonization plans.
Strategic Decarbonization Assessment (SDA) Tool
This excel tool enables retrofit project teams to align asset decarbonization with strategic goals.
Building Discovery
A guide for assessing building conditions to identify energy efficiency opportunities.
About Resource Efficient Decarbonization
Provides a detailed overview of the Resource Efficient Decarbonization framework with example building system typologies.
Energy & Carbon Modeling Guide
A process guide for developing an energy model to support building decarbonization planning.
Resource Efficient Decarbonization Guide
A guide outlining the resource-efficient methods for reducing emissions in tall buildings located in cold climates.
Terminology & Definitions
A comprehensive glossary related to building decarbonization.
A Rational Approach to Large Building Decarbonization
NESEA explores the power of incremental steps, integrated design, and strategic planning in building decarbonization.
Technical Barriers to Decarbonization
Discover technical questions and barriers encountered by building owners and developers during decarbonization projects.
Low Carbon Multifamily Retrofit Playbooks
Multifamily playbooks with strategies for buildings transitioning to electric systems.
Seven Misconceptions About Decarbonization
NYSERDA debunks common decarbonization myths and offers solutions.
Empire Technology Prize
This technology competition for solution providers seeks innovative heating solutions to reduce greenhouse gases in NYC's tall buildings.
Intervention Points and Best Practices
A ranked list of short-, medium-, and long-term decarbonization interventions according to industry best practices.
Advanced Building Construction Collaborative Case Studies
Comprehensive cold-climate, multifamily case studies in Boston, MA.
That’s everything we have so far, new resources are added to the library regularly.