Strategic Decarb 101

Retrofit Playbook for Large Buildings Launch Event

On June 11, 2024, NYSERDA, BE-Ex, RMI, and Urban Land Institute hosted the launch of the Retrofit Playbook for Large Buildings, showcasing replicable approaches for low-carbon retrofits from cohorts of the Empire Building Challenge. Additionally, NYSERDA announced its newest cohort of the Empire Building Challenge (EBC), featuring a number of leading affordable and low-to-medium income housing projects.

Opening Remarks

Michael Reed, Acting Head of Large Buildings, NYSERDA
Joe Chavez, Deputy Director, Resilient & Efficient Buildings, NYC MOCEJ


Brett Bridgeland, Principal, Carbon Free Buildings, RMI
EBC Cohort 3 Winners


Jennifer Leone, Chief Sustainability Officer, NYC HPD
Joe Chavez, Deputy Director, Resilient & Efficient Buildings, NYC MOCEJ
Samantha Pearce, Vice President of Sustainability, NYS HCR

Read more about the event takeaways in the program brief.