Strategic Decarb 101

Advanced Building Construction Collaborative Case Studies

These case studies cover projects that will dramatically reduce carbon emissions with deep energy retrofits for affordable multifamily housing in the Boston area. Deep energy retrofits dramatically reduce carbon emissions. These renovations transform affordable housing to be highly energy efficient, all-electric, powered by clean renewable energy, and renovated with materials low in embodied carbon. These projects are part of the Advanced Building Construction Collaborative’s demand aggregation. This work aims to demonstrate streamlined deep energy retrofits and retrofits using advanced building construction techniques to accelerate the adoption of this work in the market.

Source: Advanced Building Construction Collaborative

Engineering Solutions

Empire Technology Prize Market Insight Report 

The Empire Technology Prize team has produced the New York State Market Insight and Characterization report, which explores the technical challenges posed by achieving efficient decarbonization of heating systems and explores alternatives in two focus areas: high temperature heat pumps, and minimally disruptive distribution system solutions. 

Source: The Clean Fight

Tenant Resources

Net Zero Energy Leasing

RMI, in partnership with industry leaders, developed green leasing guidelines that offer benefits to landlords and tenants alike. As net zero energy buildings have increased in popularity, green leasing resources developed by RMI and its partners are driving sustainability in a largely untapped market: leased commercial buildings. Over half of commercial buildings nationally are leased, presenting an opportunity to save energy and costs, and create healthier, more productive workplaces. 

Source: RMI

Federal Incentives

Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency

DSIRE is the nation’s most comprehensive information sources for renewable and efficiency incentives. The database enables users to pinpoint opportunities in a variety of formats including dynamic maps, charts, and tables. To help you find opportunities, the database includes a search tool that filters incentives and policies by type, state, technology, implementing sector, and eligible sector.The site was established by the Department of Energy 20 years ago.  The database is operated by the N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center at North Carolina State University.

Search Database