Engineering Solutions

Training & Educational Resources for Building Stakeholders

Insights from Empire Building Challenge

Educating building stakeholders about the benefits of high-performance buildings and creating a skilled operations and maintenance workforce are key to driving holistic energy management and lasting decarbonization. Below are some training resources to help project teams get started. 

Online Training and Resources

The NYC Accelerator offers online and in-person trainings on a host of building and energy topics, including building energy law compliance, decarbonization strategies, and building systems. Visit the NYC Accelerator website to access 30+ training courses.

Urban Green Council (UGC) is committed to training architects, engineers, building owners and managers, tradespeople and other professionals in the latest developments and best practices for creating and maintaining sustainable buildings. They offer the following resources:

  • GPRO: A comprehensive national training and certificate program for trades and contractors. Courses include Operations and Maintenance, Plumbing, Electrical Systems, Construction Management and HVACR.
  • Energy Code Training: Essential training on how to comply and get the most out of New York State and NYC’s energy code for architects and engineers.
  • Cross-Learning Alliance: UGC has joined with AIA New York and the New York Chapter of ASHRAE to launch the Cross-Learning Alliance. Alliance programs are designed to bridge the knowledge gap between the people that own, design, build, manage, operate and commission buildings.
  • Resource Library: Browse through UGC’s research reports, event recaps, blog posts and more.

Workforce Development and Training

Workforce development and training are essential components to creating a robust, green economy.  To meet the requirements of a clean energy economy as outlined in the Clean Energy Fund (CEF) and the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (Climate Act), NYSERDA has dedicated more than $100 million in funding to support clean energy workforce development and training. Support is available in six separate categories:

  • Training for building and operations staff to properly operate and maintain building systems.
  • On-the-job training for new clean energy workers.
  • Internships for students looking to gain hands-on skills at a clean energy company.
  • Curriculum development to meet the demands of clean energy employers.
  • Creation of a sustainable talent pipeline that can reduce the business cost of hiring new workers.
  • Career pathways training for high-efficiency HVAC and heat pumps.

Property owners and facility managers interested in improving their team’s energy management knowledge and skills can access funding for training through NYSERDA’s Building Operations and Maintenance Workforce Development Training Program.  NYSERDA can fund on-site trainings, apprenticeships, internships, and more.


Federal Incentives

Better Buildings Funding and Incentives Resource Hub

The Funding and Incentives Resource Hub can help you navigate and discover the many rebates, funding opportunities, and other incentives including those available through the Inflation Reduction Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. This new hub will continue to evolve as we add resources as they become available*, so be sure to check back frequently. You can refine your search by sector, technology, source, and type using the filters below.

Source: DOE

Engineering Solutions

Thermal Energy Networks for Decarbonization Webinar

New engineering design means and methods are needed to enable and accelerate adoption of low-carbon retrofit technologies. Efficient heating and cooling energy systems are widely available but underused due to lack of knowledge and thermal system interaction.

Decarbonization requires adapting distribution systems designed for legacy thermal supply to electric and renewable thermal energy systems. New design strategies are emerging which can help alleviate space constraint issues, provide peak thermal capacity, optimize operational efficiencies, utilize waste heat, and reduce the need for oversized, electrified thermal energy systems creating retrofit cost compression. The latest research on thermal energy networks focuses on utilizing heat and cold more sustainably by creating innovative components and control strategies for thermal systems. 

In this Empire Building Challenge webinar, Cary Smith and Garen Ewbank from The GreyEdge Group provide perspectives on designing efficient thermal networks for decarbonization. The recorded discussion focuses on low temperature distribution, electrification with advanced heat pumps, thermal storage integration, and thermal interactive buildings.

The materials below were part of a presentation given on Jun 18, 2020, as part of the Empire Building Challenge, in partnership with the GreyEdge Group.

Source: via NYSERDA

Strategic Decarb 101

Advanced Building Construction Collaborative Case Studies

These case studies cover projects that will dramatically reduce carbon emissions with deep energy retrofits for affordable multifamily housing in the Boston area. Deep energy retrofits dramatically reduce carbon emissions. These renovations transform affordable housing to be highly energy efficient, all-electric, powered by clean renewable energy, and renovated with materials low in embodied carbon. These projects are part of the Advanced Building Construction Collaborative’s demand aggregation. This work aims to demonstrate streamlined deep energy retrofits and retrofits using advanced building construction techniques to accelerate the adoption of this work in the market.

Source: Advanced Building Construction Collaborative

Engineering Solutions

Empire Technology Prize Market Insight Report 

The Empire Technology Prize team has produced the New York State Market Insight and Characterization report, which explores the technical challenges posed by achieving efficient decarbonization of heating systems and explores alternatives in two focus areas: high temperature heat pumps, and minimally disruptive distribution system solutions. 

Source: The Clean Fight

Tenant Resources

Net Zero Energy Leasing

RMI, in partnership with industry leaders, developed green leasing guidelines that offer benefits to landlords and tenants alike. As net zero energy buildings have increased in popularity, green leasing resources developed by RMI and its partners are driving sustainability in a largely untapped market: leased commercial buildings. Over half of commercial buildings nationally are leased, presenting an opportunity to save energy and costs, and create healthier, more productive workplaces. 

Source: RMI

Federal Incentives

Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency

DSIRE is the nation’s most comprehensive information sources for renewable and efficiency incentives. The database enables users to pinpoint opportunities in a variety of formats including dynamic maps, charts, and tables. To help you find opportunities, the database includes a search tool that filters incentives and policies by type, state, technology, implementing sector, and eligible sector.The site was established by the Department of Energy 20 years ago.  The database is operated by the N.C. Clean Energy Technology Center at North Carolina State University.

Search Database