Engineering Solutions

Energy & Carbon Modeling Guide

Insights from the Empire Building Challenge

A calibrated energy model should play a central role in building out a decarbonization plan because it provides insights on:

  • Current building energy and carbon profiles, and costs.
  • Potential energy, carbon, and cost savings of energy conservation measures (ECMs.
  • The impact of groups of ECMs, and the order of implementation and timeline.

The steps to follow include:

  • An initial energy model is developed using commonly available building information such as architectural floorplans, MEP schedule sheets, and BMS sequences of operation. 
  • The initial model is then refined and “calibrated” to the building’s real utility data for each utility consumed, creating a baseline condition that ECM’s will be compared against. 
  • The baseline energy model is used as a test bed for individual ECMs to understand potential energy, carbon, and cost impacts. 
  • Evaluate the financial performance of each ECM. These results will be used to identify strategies that are economically viable and should be considered further.  
  • Those ECMs that are economically viable on their own may be grouped together with other ECMs to help build a holistic business case for system optimization and maximum carbon reduction. 
  • During the evaluation process, the project team should take the evolving emission factors associated with utilities such as electricity and steam, as well as the impact of rising average and design day temperatures/humidity, into account.

Key outputs from the energy modeling workflow should include data driven charts showing energy end use breakdown and costs, carbon footprint of each utility, building carbon emissions vs. LL97 targets and fines, and who “owns” the carbon footprint (i.e. tenants, building operations). It is important to note that not all energy models are created equally. For a deep energy retrofit project, the accuracy of the energy model should align with ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1. Code or LEED energy models that were developed for the building in the past are not appropriate for this effort.  

Learn more about building energy modeling. 

Below is a selection of the energy modeling software packages used to support the case study findings presented in this Playbook, and throughout the industry.

1. Build and Calibrate the Initial Energy Model

An energy model is developed in multiple phases. In the first phase, the energy modeler must build an initial model that captures the geometry, material attributes, occupancy types, MEP systems and basic information about the building’s operations. The energy modeler should also include surrounding buildings that may impact sun exposure on the different facades of the building under study. This initial model will produce a rough estimate of how the building performs every hour during the year. Then in the next phase, the energy modeler must hone the model’s accuracy by “calibrating” the initial model to utility data and detailed building operations information. Code or LEED energy models that may have been created for the building during its initial design and construction should not be used in deep energy retrofit study efforts because they do not reflect the actual performance of the building under study.

Lessons Learned and Key Considerations

  • Determine energy model accuracy expectations early: Energy model accuracy can vary widely. For a deep energy retrofit study, the energy model should be highly accurate and align with ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1. Building management teams should set model accuracy expectations with the energy modeler at the onset of the project. This will help inform how assumptions are made and where the modeler should or should not simplify certain aspects of the model. 
  • Energy model calibration takes time but is worth the investment: Calibrating the initial energy model is a continuous and iterative process that can span multiple days or weeks depending on the complexity of the building. This time investment is well worth it because the quality of the energy modeling results is directly dependent on the quality of the calibration effort.  
  • Sync energy modeling assumptions with site observations: Even well-maintained buildings with stringent base-building and tenant standards have operational nuances and anomalies. Equipment may be shut off or sequences may be manually overwritten because the system wasn’t commissioned, wasn’t correctly integrated with the BMS, or was causing a localized issue that required a quick fix. This is especially true for older existing buildings that have had operations team turnover resulting in a loss of institutional knowledge over the years. For the energy model to accurately capture savings for ECMs, the calibrated model must reflect real-life operation. The project’s energy modeler should capture these nuances in the calibrated model whenever possible. 
  • Perfection is the enemy of “good enough”: The energy model will never perfectly simulate the performance of the building. There will also be a margin of error that comes from very specific nuances in building construction or operation that can’t be captured by simulation-based software. The project team should set reasonable expectations for the level of modeling and calibration effort that aligns with AANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1 but also conforms to the project schedule and status. 
  • Share model visualization with the project team: Energy modeling can be a complex topic that may seem inaccessible to non-technical audiences. To maintain good project team engagement during the energy modeling phase, the energy modeler should prepare and share data visualizations that can help tell the story of how the building uses energy. Graphs, rendering, and infographics are great examples of visual assets that can demystify the energy modeling process.  

2. Create the Baseline Energy Model

The baseline model represents the current systems and operations of the building, adjusted for “typical” weather conditions and other criteria. Energy savings for all proposed ECMs will be calculated relative to the baseline model performance.


  • The calibrated energy model 
  • TMY weather data 
  • List of planned upgrades, tenant lease turnover schedules


Make Necessary Adjustments to the Baseline Model: To create a baseline energy model, the calibrated energy model consumption should be adjusted to account for the following: 

  • Weather: Typical weather data for the site can be modeled using TMY3 data files, which capture and compare typical performance and eliminate any extreme weather event effects that may have occurred in the baseline year. TMY3 files are produced by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and can be freely accessed and downloaded from the EnergyPlus website. 
  • Occupancy (Lease Turnover or COVID): The baseline energy model should be adjusted to account for any fluctuations in building occupancy that are expected to occur over the study period. For example, tenant lease turnover schedules should be collected during the Discovery Phase and accounted for in the baseline model. Similarly, any disruptions to building occupancy, such as those experienced during the COVID 19 global pandemic, should be captured in the baseline model. To understand the full magnitude of ECM impacts, it is important to separate energy reductions resulting from ECMs versus those resulting from lower occupancy levels. 
  • Planned Upgrades: The baseline model should be adjusted to account for any planned projects that will impact the building’s energy consumption. By capturing these savings in the baseline model, the project team will avoid projecting ECM savings that are no longer available because they have already been captured by planned projects.  

The baseline model represents “business as usual” building energy consumption and associated energy cost. It is the reference point used to determine the energy savings of potential ECMs and track progress towards reaching project objectives. 

Generate Detailed End-Use Breakdowns: Once the baseline energy model is complete, the project team can begin to gain additional insight into how the building uses energy. A particularly useful output of the model is a detailed end-use breakdown like the one shown below:

The energy modeler will be able to analyze this end use breakdown and identify systems that appear to be high energy consumers. Hypotheses should be vetted by the engineer and facilities team based on their understanding of the building.

Document Assumptions and Review Initial Results with the Team: After the initial baseline model has been built, the energy modeler should review his/her/their assumptions and the resulting load breakdowns with the project team. The modeler should then solicit feedback from the engineers and building operators who have greater insight into the current building operation and systems design. Feedback should be incorporated into the next iteration of the baseline model. The feedback loop between the energy modeler and the building team will be an iterative process that will continue throughout the duration of the project as more information is collected from the building. 

Overlay Carbon Emissions: Once the baseline energy consumption results are refined, the associated operational carbon emissions can be calculated by multiplying the annual energy consumption by a fuel-specific carbon coefficient. Carbon coefficients represent the greenhouse gas emissions intensity of different energy sources and are used to determine a building’s total greenhouse gas emissions in tons of CO2 equivalent. This analysis will identify the primary contributors to greenhouse gas emissions in terms of fuel type, system, and ownership (end-user that is driving the demand). 

Refine the Preliminary List of ECMs: At this point, the energy modeler and engineer should work together to refine the preliminary list ECMs that was developed in the “Build the BAU Base Case” task. The additional information gleaned from the detailed end use breakdown should be used to validate the initial list of measures and to identify new areas of focus that were not identified in early phases of the project.


Deliverables from the baseline energy model work include the following: 

  • Baseline energy model is a reference for potential energy, carbon and cost savings   
  • Building energy consumption and detailed end use breakdowns 
  • Documented baseline system assumptions  
  • Finalized List of ECMs for study in the energy model

Lessons Learned And Key Considerations

  • Document and review input assumptions: A robust energy model can be a reusable tool that can serve the building team for many years after the initial deep energy retrofit study. To ensure the information within the model is accurate and up to date, any inputs and assumptions should be documented and shared with the building management team. This will give the team the opportunity to correct any assumptions that do not align with the actual operation of the building and will create a log where inputs can be revised and updated as the building evolves.

3. Analyze Individual ECMs

In this task, the energy modeler will run all ECMs in the energy model and extract associated energy, carbon, and cost savings for each. For this task, the energy modeler will need the baseline energy model and the finalized list of ECMs that will be evaluated.


For this task, the energy modeler will need the baseline energy model and the finalized list of ECMs that will be evaluated.  


Develop a Modeling Strategy for Each Energy Conservation Measure (ECM): Before the modeler begins modeling each ECM, he/she/they should develop a modeling strategy for each measure including performance characteristics and any important assumptions. Documenting model inputs and modeling strategy for each ECM will make it easier to troubleshoot if there are any surprising results. 

Run ECMs in the Model and Analyze Results: Once all ECMs are explicitly defined and the modeling strategy has been finalized, the modeler will run each ECM to create a proposed energy model. The proposed energy model is compared to the baseline energy model to estimate energy, carbon and cost savings. The energy modeler will extract savings for each ECM from the proposed model, which will enable the team to study the individual impact of each ECM and vet the results. Energy savings for individual ECMs should be compared to industry experience to gauge their validity. When surprising results arise, the team must explore why and either justify the inputs or modify them according to additional information. 

Refine and Troubleshoot as Needed: Assumptions may need to be revised after this initial review of the results, especially if there are unexpected results.  

Compare Mutually Exclusive ECMs: In some cases, the team may develop mutually exclusive ECMs. These competing ECMS must be compared to determine which is the most energy efficient and by what margin. The energy model can be used to run multiple ECM options and compare estimated energy savings between them. The project team should decide which mutually exclusive ECMs should be advanced into the future rounds of analysis before packaging ECM in the next phase of modeling. 

Assess Maximum Theoretical Potential for Energy Savings: The final energy consumption of the proposed model will factor in all the energy savings associated with the ECMs. This resulting value is the theoretical minimum energy consumption for the building, assuming all technically viable ECMs are implemented. At this point it is helpful to determine the percent reduction from the baseline and evaluate how this theoretical minimum stacks up to the project objectives. Important questions to answer include:   

  • Does the theoretical minimum energy consumption meet or exceed the project’s energy and carbon goals, and if so by how much?    
  • Which ECMs contribute most significantly to energy and carbon reductions and are they likely to be financially feasible?   
  • Are most of the energy savings attributable to a few select ECMs or are energy savings spread evenly amongst many small measures?   

The analysis of the energy modeling results can be facilitated by the creation of ECM waterfall charts which show the baseline energy consumption / carbon emissions and the progressive impact of each ECM on these values. The final energy consumption and carbon emission of the proposed model will establish the theoretical minimum.   


Outputs and deliverables of this work include: 

  • Initial energy, carbon, and cost savings for individual ECMs. Based on this initial review and analysis, the team will identify further data collection required to refine the modeling assumptions and improve the accuracy of the outputs.  
  • Actionable information regarding which mutually exclusive ECMs are most impactful and should be advanced to the next phase of modeling. 
  • The maximum theoretical energy savings and carbon reduction for the building. This will give the project team an indication of how many ECMs may need to be implemented to meet the project objectives.  
  • Initial energy cost savings for each measure, which can be used to inform preliminary financial analyses.

Lessons Learned & Key Considerations 

Review and question surprising results: When reviewing preliminary energy savings, it is important to make sure that the results make sense and question any surprising results. The energy modeling results are only as accurate as the modeling inputs. These assumptions must be vetted to ensure accurate savings. Data collection during this time will be useful to determine modeling assumptions. Assumptions can also be informed by the insights and advice from industry experts. Energy modeling is an iterative process, and the model will continue to be refined as more information is collected.  

Identify high priority ECMs: Preliminary results may indicate that most of the energy savings available are attributable to a select number of ECMs. Implementing these select few ECMs may be all that is required to meet the project’s short-term objectives. The project team should focus on refining the inputs for these high impact ECMs to ensure accurate savings.  

Remember many small measures have a cumulative impact: To maximize savings and meet long-term project objectives like 80×50 it is likely that a wider array of ECMs will need to be considered for implementation. This holds true especially for buildings that have undergone recent renovations where the most impactful ECMs have already been executed. In this case it may be necessary to evaluate the cumulative impact of many small measures. Therefore, individual measures with minor carbon reduction impacts should not be dismissed too quickly.

4. Group, Sequence, and Package ECMs

As the Energy and Carbon Modeling phase is progressing, a preliminary financial analysis of individual ECMs will also take place in parallel. Preliminary results from the financial analysis will help inform this phase of modeling. Individual ECMs should not necessarily be discarded based solely on their associated capital cost; expensive ECMs can be grouped together with related financially viable measures to optimize savings and make a more comprehensive business case that maximizes CO2 reduction while still addressing investment return hurdles.   

Once ECMs have been grouped, an implementation duration and timeline should be established for each. This will depend on factors like short term project budgets, tenant lease turnover, operational budgets, and maintenance schedules. The ECMs should then be sequenced according to their implementation timeline so that energy savings for each ECM can be captured accordingly.  

Finally, several ECM packages should be assembled for owner evaluation. Each package will include a different combination of ECMs to be implemented with varying degrees of cost and carbon impact. This variety will provide the owner with options to choose from when striving to balance the project objectives and constraints.


For this task the project team will need the following inputs: 

  • Energy, carbon & cost savings from the proposed energy model 
  • Preliminary ECM capital costs estimates: Preliminary results from the financial analysis will provide approximate NPV values for each ECM based on the projected energy cost savings and capital costs. These results will be used to identify those ECMs that are economically viable on their own, those that are worth pursuing due to large carbon impact, and those that should be discarded at this point due to technical infeasibility, cost, or low carbon impact. Those ECMs that are economically viable on their own may be grouped together with related, and costly, but effective, ECMs to help build a stronger business case.


Outputs and deliverables of this task include the following: 

  • Finalized grouped and sequenced ECM list.  
  • Results from Packaged ECMS for Owner consideration.


Establish the Final List of ECMs: Once a preliminary financial analysis has been conducted and approximate NPV values and energy and reductions are calculated for each ECM, the list of measures should be reviewed and finalized. Typically, ECMs will fall into the 5 categories described below, with associated outcomes:  

  1. ECM has a positive NPV and has a large carbon impact. ECM should be considered seriously for implementation. Additional QA/QC should be completed to ensure savings are accurate. 
  2. ECMs that has a positive NPV but has a minor carbon impact. ECM should be evaluated collectively with other measures, as the impact of many small measures can compound. 
  3. ECM has a positive NPV and has a large carbon impact but is technically challenging or infeasible. ECM should likely be eliminated because it will not seriously be considered for implementation by the Owner or building operations team
  4. ECM has a negative NPV (simple payback may still be within the useful life of the ECM) but has a large carbon impact. Financial case for the ECM should be investigated further – the incorporation of maintenance costs, baseline requirements or planned capex unrelated to emissions reductions, and potential incentives in the financial model may improve the financial performance. 
  5. ECM has a negative NPV and a small carbon impact. ECM should be eliminated.

Group and Sequence the ECMs: Once the list of ECMs has been finalized, the project team should determine the anticipated duration of time required for completion and the implementation sequence. There are various considerations that should be understood during this part of the modeling process: 

  • The timing of implementation will be unique to each building and vary depending on the types of existing systems and their age and performance. Well maintained systems may be able to be updated and optimized in the short term and replaced in the long run depending on the project objectives.   
  • The sequence of ECMs will depend on various factors including tenant lease turnover schedules, maintenance schedules, and investment cycles. 
  • Interrelated and codependent ECMs should have the same timeline and/or be sequenced appropriately. Some ECMs should be considered as a group to help make a financial case for optimized carbon reductions. 
  • The impact of the ECMs will decrease as the sequence progresses, and savings will be less than if they were directly compared to the initial baseline. This is because as each new ECM is executed and absorbed into the baseline model, this “new” baseline model against which new ECMs are compared performs more efficiently, thereby decreasing the potential for savings. 

Create ECM Packages: Once the ECMs have been sequenced, various implementation packages should be compiled for final evaluation. Given that implementing all ECMs will likely be cost prohibitive, the project team should provide the owner with different options along the spectrum of project cost and carbon reduction.    

To book end the problem, it is recommended that two of the proposed packages be a “CO2 Maximum Reduction” package and an “NPV Maximum” package. These packages are described below:

  • CO2 Maximum Reduction: Package includes all technically viable measures, even if they are not economically viable at the time of the analysis. The purpose of this package is to find the technical maximum CO2 reductions achievable.
  • NPV Maximum: Package includes only those measures that payback within the study period and have positive NPVs. These are the minimum CO2 reductions that can be expected with a financially viable package.

Additional packages should be created and evaluated based on feedback from the project team. These hybrid packages will allow the owner to choose from a wide range of options with different value propositions.

Lessons Learned & Key Considerations

Visualize the results: A helpful tool for analyzing ECMs results is a 2 x 2 matrix that shows the NPV vs. the CO2 reductions for each ECM. 

Consider non-energy benefits: Before eliminating measures because they have small carbon impacts, the project team should evaluate the non-energy benefits of the measure. If the non-energy benefits align with the owner’s overall sustainability strategy or make the building a more valuable asset, the building team may still wish to pursue the item. For example, a façade upgrade or replacement may not have a positive NVP but will make the building more competitive with newer buildings.  

5. Generate a Decarbonization Roadmap

Once the finalized ECMs have been grouped, sequenced, and packaged, the energy model can be run to obtain final results. These results will be used in the detailed financial analysis and will represent a time-dependent decarbonization roadmap for the building. The final results will include energy savings, energy cost, and CO2 reduction for each package under study, and should phased according to the anticipated implementation timeline to reflect the gradual and overlapping impacts of each measure over a 20- or 30-year time horizon.  CO2 reduction over a longer time horizon should include a changing electric grid carbon coefficient to account for grid decarbonization.


The inputs for this task include: 

  • The finalized ECM Packages 
  • Carbon coefficients for the Future Grid 


Run Final ECM Packages in the Model and Analyze Results: The modeler should update the proposed model based on the final list of ECM packages and intended implementation sequence. Energy results should be provided for each ECM, even if there are several ECMs that are intended to be grouped together, as this provides granular data for the financial analysis to be conducted down the line. This is important because each ECM may have distinct capital costs, maintenance costs, and incentive implications which may impact the financial viability of the measure.     

To reduce the modeling time, it may be assumed that a given ECM’s savings are recognized at once, even if it is anticipated that the ECM and associated savings will be realized over a period of several years. These savings can be split proportionally according to the intended timeline in a post-processing exercise without a major impact on the results, so long as the sequence of the ECMs is correct.    

Calculate Savings from the Baseline: The final run of the proposed energy model will produce energy, carbon and cost information that should be compared to the baseline energy model to determine anticipated savings. During this exercise, project teams should consider the following:  

  • The energy model provides energy costs for each run, but it may be beneficial to conduct advanced tariff analysis that evaluates the anticipated annual hourly energy consumption for each package. Given the energy consumption results from the model, and the implementation timeline, a composite file of hourly data can be created to accurately reflect the percentage of each ECM that has been implemented each year. This will result in an energy consumption profile that reflects the expected annual peak and associated demand charges. More accurate utility costs can be calculated using this information. At a minimum, a utility cost escalator should be applied to the initial calculated energy cost savings to capture the impact of changing rates over time.  
  • The anticipated CO2 emissions reductions associated with each ECM can be calculated by overlaying today’s carbon coefficients onto the energy savings results. For a greater level of accuracy, the carbon coefficients from LL97 can be overlaid on the annual energy consumption for the years where this data is available (2024-2029). Beyond 2029, project teams should consider different electrical grid decarbonization projections and overlay evolving carbon coefficients on the yearly energy consumption. For example, New York’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) targets 70% renewable energy by 2030. Assuming the grid meets the goals and schedule of the CLPCA, the carbon coefficient for electricity for the year 2030 will be much lower than it is today.  


The final energy modeling results should include energy savings, energy cost savings, and CO2 reduction for each ECM package studied.

Lessons Learned & Key Considerations  

Total carbon emissions depend on the building and the grid: While building owners have control over how efficient their building is, they cannot control the long-term decarbonization of the electrical grid. Building owners can and should evaluate how they can optimize the energy performance of their building through the implementation of ECMs, but the total associated carbon emissions produced by the building will depend on both the magnitude of the energy consumed and how carbon-intensive the source of energy is. For this reason, it is beneficial to understand how different grid scenarios and emissions factors impact the ECM results. A cleaner grid in 2030 may be the difference between meeting or exceeding the LL97 emissions limit for that year.

Strategic Decarb 101

Resource Efficient Decarbonization Guide

This guide presents a three-step process for real estate owners, in coordination with engineers and designers, to develop a technically and economically feasible decarbonization plan for their building.  This holistic approach is informed by lessons learned from low-carbon demonstration projects funded through the Empire Building Challenge to help building owners develop and adopt successful plans for retrofitting their building. 


Strategic Decarb 101

A Rational Approach to Large Building Decarbonization

Assessment Tools

Technical Barriers to Decarbonization

Insights from Empire Building Challenge

Large commercial and residential buildings must overcome various hurdles before implementing deep retrofits or capital projects that help achieve building decarbonization. This section addresses technical barriers and questions often faced by building owners and retrofit project developers.

Decentralized Systems and Tenant Equipment

  • Access to Occupied Spaces.
  • Lease Concerns.
  • Regulatory Limitations of Rent Stabilized Apartments.
    • The building owner is required to provide free heat and hot water.
    • No mechanism to recover investment in new systems is necessary to achieve decarbonization.
    • Buildings are capital constrained.
  • Split Incentives (e.g. tenants pay for energy).

Facade and Windows

  • Work must be completed at the end of facade/window useful life; very long useful life.
  • Building codes.
  • Glazing reduction at odds with aesthetic/marketability concerns.
  • Difficult installing with occupied spaces.
  • Reduce Local Law 11 recurring cost via overcladding
    • Aesthetic concerns
    • At odds with historic preservation
    • Capital intensive
    • Lot line limitations
  • Technology Limitations
    • Need higher R-value/inch for thinner wall assembly:
      • Vacuum insulated panels
      • Aerogel panels/batts
      • Zero-GWP blowing agents for closed cell spray foam (nitrogen blowing agent needs to be more widely adopted)


  • Energy Recovery Ventilation (ERV)
    • Space constraints
    • System tie-in point accessibility/feasibility
  • Rooftop Supply Air (Reznor) Unit Alternatives
    • Heat pump alternatives to eliminate resistance heat
    • Combine with ERV
  • HVAC Load Reduction (HLR) Technology
    • Vent or capture exhaust gases
    • Space constraints
    • System tie-in point accessibility/feasibility
  • Central vs. Decentralized Ventilation Systems
  • Direct Outside Air System (DOAS)
    • Modular perimeter ducted air heat pumps:
      • Competition for leasable space
      • Space constraints
  • Ventilation Points-of-Entry
    • Aesthetic concerns
    • Lot line facades/building setbacks
    • Competition with leasable space
    • Space constraints

Heat Pump Limitations

  • Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF)
    • Fire and life safety concerns about volume of refrigerant gas located within occupied spaces.
  • Regulatory risk from new refrigerant policies
  • PTAC and VTAC
  • Ducted Supply/Exhaust Air Source Heat Pumps
  • Domestic Hot Water
    • Central DHW Systems:
      • Limited domestic production.
      • Performance not confirmed by independent third parties.
      • More demonstration projects needed.
    • Decentralized DHW Systems
  • More open-source interconnection between devices/interoperability is needed to achieve energy distribution flexibility and capacity expansion:
    • Air source that has a manifold connection to interconnect with water source or refrigerant gas distribution.
    • Interconnectivity/simplified heat exchange between refrigerants/water/air, etc.
    • Other options and add-ons.

Steam Alternatives and Barriers

Below are high temperature renewable resource alternatives to district steam. These alternatives are limited and face barriers to implementation due to cost, scalability, and other factors. 

  • Deep Bore Geothermal
  • Renewable Hydrogen
  • Carbon Capture and Sequestration
  • Biomethane
  • Electric Boilers
  • High-temperature thermal storage
  • Hight-temperature industrial heat pumps
  • Waste Heat Capture and Reuse
  • Fission

Barriers to Electrification and Utility Capacity Limitations

Building Electric Capacity Upgrades

  • Electric riser capacity
  • Switchgear expansion
  • New service/vault expansion/point-of-entry space constraints
  • Capacity competition with other electrification needs:
    • Space heat and cooling
    • DHW
    • Cooking
    • Pumps and motors

Local Network Electric Capacity Upgrades

  • Excess Distribution Facility Charges (EDF)
  • Contributions in Aid of Construction (CIAC)

Gas Utility Earnings Adjustment Mechanisms (EAM) focused on System Peak Demand Reductions

  • Partial Electrification concepts achieve deep decarbonization but do not necessarily achieve peak gas demand reductions (debatable)

Total Connected Loads and Peak Demand drive need for capacity upgrades

  • Demand reduction strategies do not obviate capacity limitations unless the utility accepts the solution as a permanent demand/load reduction strategy.
    • Battery Storage:
      1. Fire danger
      2. Space constraints
      3. Electricity distribution limitations
      4. Structural loads
    • Building Automation/BMS/Demand Response:
      1. Cost
      2. Integration limitations; Blackbox software
      3. Microgrid development cost and lack of expertise
    • On-site Generation:
      1. Space constraints
      2. Gas use; Zero carbon fuels availability is non-existent
      3. Structural loads
      4. Pipe infrastructure

Thermal Storage

  • Space constrains
  • Structural loads
  • Technology limitations:
    • Vacuum insulated storage tanks
    • Phase change material (DHW, space heating)

Geothermal (ambient temperature), Deep Bore Geothermal (high temperature) or Shared Loop District Energy Systems provide cooling and heating with lower peak demand than standard electric equipment

  • Building pipe riser limitations; need additional riser capacity:
    • Building water loops are typically “top down” – cooling capacity is typically located at rooftop mechanical penthouses; cooling towers at roof. Some exceptions to this rule
    • Space Constraints
  • Drilling Difficulty:
    • Outdoor space constraints for geothermal wells
    • Difficult permitting
    • Mud and contaminated soil disposal
    • Overhead clearance constraints for drilling in basements/garages 
  • Shared Loop/Thermal Utility Limitations:
    • Requires entity that may operate in public ROWs and across property lines
    • Utilities are limited by regulations for gas, steam or electric delivery versus shared loop media (ambient temperature water).
      1. Only utility entities can provide very long amortization periods
      2. Utilities are best suited to work amid crowded underground municipal ROWs.
  • Deep Bore Geothermal Limitations:
    • Requires test drilling and geological assessment
    • Seismic risk
    • Drilling equipment is very large – more akin to oil and gas development equipment
    • Subsurface land rights and DEC restrictions

Other Energy Efficiency/Conservation Measures with proven/attractive economics (these measures are limited by lack of capital or knowledge)

  • Lighting with lighting controls
  • High-efficiency electrically commutated motors (ECM)
  • Variable Frequency Drives (VFD) on pumps and motors
  • Retro-commissioning tasks and maintenance

Behavioral Modification

  • Staggered work scheduling
  • Telework

Submetering and billing, potentially creates split incentive between landlord and tenant

Crossover Device or “Magic Box” Technology

These include multi-purpose technology for heating, cooling, heat exchange and ventilation, filtration, and/or domestic hot water.

  • Domestic production and supply chain is limited.
  • Small players operating in this space.
  • Technology is not tested over long operational periods (providers include: Daikin, Nilan, Zehnder, Drexel und Weiss, Minotair, Build Equinox, Clivet).

Zero Carbon Fuel Limitations

  • Green Hydrogen
  • Renewable Natural Gas

Low-Carbon Fuels

  • Biofuel
  • Biomethane

Renewable Energy Procurement Limitations

  • REC Purchasing:
    • NYSERDA monopolizes REC purchasing from renewable energy projects.

Pending Carbon Trading Programs Limitations

  • Deployment timeline is highly uncertain.
  • Price per ton of carbon is highly uncertain and will likely be volatile/low based on previous emissions trading scheme outcomes.

Engineering Solutions

Low Carbon Multifamily Retrofit Playbooks

These playbooks summarize retrofit strategies that maximize occupant comfort and energy savings through a transition from fuel to electricity- based heating, cooling and hot water systems.

Playbooks are organized by building system— lighting & loads, envelope, ventilation, heating & cooling, and domestic hot water– detailing common existing systems, typical issues, and recommended measures.

Source: Building Energy Exchange

Strategic Decarb 101

Seven Misconceptions About Decarbonization

Insights from Empire Building Challenge

It is clear today that the use of fossil fuel-fired equipment in buildings has a limited future due to technological advancements, policy changes, ESG requirements, and other externalities. As asset managers, sustainability managers, and their consultants pursue decarbonization plans, misconceptions about decarbonization arise that can delay action and progress. Below is a list of the misconceptions encountered by NYSERDA’s Empire Building Challenge team and our recommended approaches that debunk these inaccuracies. 

Simple Payback Measures

Instead of looking for tangential ways to create value, energy efficiency and decarbonization projects repeatedly fall into the trap of using energy savings (and some may now include carbon emissions fines savings) to justify investments in energy conservation measures. Often, this linear thinking approach yields unattractive investment economics. Alternatively, conduct scenarios analyses including net present value calculations: The lowest net present cost or negative net present value (NPV) over the decarbonization period will help inform the prioritization and selection of energy conservation measures. Demonstrating the return on investment (ROI) and/or internal rate of return (IRR) on the incremental cost of action over a do-nothing baseline will help persuade real estate owners to prioritize these projects. Rather than a simple payback analysis that looks only at the decarbonization path, the analysis should focus on comparing a decarbonization path with a “business-as-usual” path. This approach helps isolate the incremental cost of decarbonization over a business-as-usual approach. 

This type of analysis requires completing a Strategic Decarbonization Assessment (SDA), which is based on a Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) analysis over the decarbonization period. The SDA should include the complexities of a capital refresh, tenant improvements, and non-energy benefits. Asset investment should be in the context of a comprehensive decarbonization roadmap rather than simply reactive maintenance.

One-to-one Equipment Swap with Air Source Heat Pump Is the Best Electrification Option

A one-to-one equipment swap with air source heat pumps, which is typically the first full-electrification option considered, may not be a realistic decarbonization strategy – particularly for owners of large buildings facing various constraints around thermal distribution systems, roof space, tenant disruption, and energy supply. In fact, it is advantageous to determine the building’s need for heat pumps toward the end of the decarbonization road mapping process to ensure that the heat pumps can run optimally. Significantly reducing loads, recovering and reusing heat wherever possible by enabling thermal networking, and using a cascading approach to decarbonizing easy-to-electrify loads are likely advantageous steps to take before installing heat pumps. Systems should be optimized to deliver heating or cooling efficiently over the integrated sum of the year’s diverse conditions, the vast majority of which are at part-load. Efforts to reduce and shift loads can help reduce peak capacity. However, electrification of more difficult peaks may require special consideration within the building’s roadmap and taking a rational approach to resilience and accounting for evolving electric grid or thermal network supply conditions. This is the foundation of Resource Efficient Decarbonization.

Electrify Everything… Immediately and All at Once!

Perhaps because the electrification movement was born in mild-climate California, the cold-climate, tall-building narrative has been incomplete. Decarbonization skeptics suggest that if it doesn’t make sense to electrify everything in one simple move, then it doesn’t make sense to electrify anything.  The reality is that tall buildings in cold climates like New York must overcome space constraints and distribution challenges to provide comfort at peak load conditions without straining the electric grid or requiring oversized, sticker-shock-inducing equipment capacity.

A more suitable slogan for Northeast electrification champions would be “Electrify Everything Efficiently.” Engineers should model building energy consumption data across granular temperature bins (see Figure below) and plan for electrification with “easy” loads like domestic hot water, then mild temperature loads (typically representing 80%+ of total loads), and finally for the extremes. This is the cascade approach. Until a viable solution emerges, a building owner might even keep a small gas-fired boiler and their steam radiators around as a reserve as they learn to grapple with resilient functionality at heating design conditions. Despite global average temperatures increasing, cold snaps may even become more extreme due to a collapsing winter Polar Vortex.

Annual Energy Usage by Temperature Bin

Technology Installed Today Will Be Obsolete Tomorrow

There are plenty of technology-neutral enabling steps to take prior to committing to a particular low-carbon retrofit technology. Buildings are constantly evolving and exist on a continuum unless demolition is planned. Reducing loads, enabling thermal recovery, sharing and networking, and implementing grid interactivity are all priority measures that might take place prior to electrifying heat sources. Consultants also must determine the value of inaction and the value at risk if a building owner decides to do nothing. Balancing this risk with the pace of technological innovation is a delicate analysis and is impossible to conduct without a Strategic Decarbonization Assessment. When in doubt, look to leverage existing infrastructure like using chilled water loops for heating to replace partial loads. Electrifying perimeter heating used during extreme temperatures may be a later priority or absent from the critical path on a strategic decarbonization roadmap. Look to the case studies emerging out of the Empire Building Challenge for more information on this strategy.

My Tenants Don’t Think This is a Priority

Consider the tangential benefits of pursuing decarbonization early. For example, more and more Class A tenants are demanding environmental action from landlords to comply with shareholder environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) requirements. Accelerating facade improvements may reduce the need for invasive and expensive maintenance down the line. Indoor air quality, improved comfort, and operability are emerging priorities among all tenant types. 

Electricity Produces Emissions

Yes, but not for too much longer. States are legislating 100% carbon-free electric grids like New York did in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (Climate Act). Modeling total emissions over time using declining electric grid carbon emissions coefficients across multiple decarbonization scenarios is an important task. Phasing in electrification over time and in a strategic way is the only pathway to eliminating on-site emissions.

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It’s Too Disruptive and Expensive to Decarbonize a Building All at Once

Achieving carbon neutrality typically requires and benefits from a phased approach versus decarbonizing all at once. Incremental implementation of low-carbon retrofits across a continuum is critical to reaching building operations carbon neutrality in cold climates. Evaluate the cost-effectiveness of phasing and maintaining technology optionality and the risk mitigation benefits these efforts might deliver. Decarbonization efforts fall on a decision-making tree, which evolves as time elapses and technology, policy, or other conditions change; each branch of the decision-making tree is a new decision point. Sustainability and asset managers can plan these intervention points over the decarbonization period.

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Engineering Solutions

Empire Technology Prize

The Empire Technology Prize is a $10 million competitive opportunity for global solution providers focused on advancing building technologies for low-carbon heating system retrofits in tall commercial and multifamily buildings across New York State. This NYSERDA initiative, administered by The Clean Fight with technical support from Rocky Mountain Institute, includes a $3 million sponsorship from Wells Fargo. Accelerating low-carbon building retrofits is fundamental to New York State’s national-leading Climate Act agenda, including the goal to achieve an 85% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

Source: via The Clean Fight