Case Study


Innovative heat recovery project for carbon emissions reduction

Vornado Realty Trust is spearheading a groundbreaking retrofit at 1 Pennsylvania Plaza (PENN 1) in New York City, aiming to reach 100% carbon neutrality by 2040. This ambitious project is part of the company’s broader commitment to environmental sustainability, as outlined in their Vision 2030. PENN 1, a towering landmark in midtown Manhattan, stands at 57 stories and spans approximately 2.5 million square feet of office and retail space. Constructed in 1972, the building is a key component of THE PENN DISTRICT, Vornado’s flagship property cluster.

The roadmap to carbon neutrality at PENN 1 includes advanced waterside heat recovery measures. This strategy focuses on capturing and reusing heat from the building’s condenser water loop, a method that not only reduces heating loads but also facilitates a subsequent transition to electrification through air-source heat pumps and thermal storage. The PENN 1 project demonstrates a ‘thermal dispatch model,’ in which carbon-free energy sources are gradually deployed to fulfill the heating and cooling demands of a large commercial building.

By adopting this innovative approach, Vornado aims to significantly reduce the carbon footprint of PENN 1 while also setting a replicable model for building decarbonization in New York City. This initiative underscores Vornado’s role as a leader in sustainable real estate development, with a portfolio that includes over 34 million square feet of premier assets across New York City, Chicago, and San Francisco. Through Vision 2030, Vornado’s commitment to achieving carbon neutrality and a 50% site energy reduction reflects their dedication to pioneering sustainable solutions in the urban landscape.

PENN 1+2 Hero building

Project Status


Under Construction

Monitoring & Evaluation

Emissions Reduction


PENN 1 aims to achieve 100% carbon neutrality by 2030.

Lessons Learned

Accurate, calibrated energy models are essential for realistic projections of energy and carbon reductions, guiding the selection of feasible decarbonization measures for complex buildings.

Lessons Learned

Leveraging existing technologies in innovative ways, such as the purposeful dispatch of thermal energy and optimizing for scalability and affordability, can be as impactful as waiting for new technological breakthroughs.

Lessons Learned

Training and involving operations teams in the design and implementation phases are crucial for ensuring systems function as intended.

A baseline assessment is key to understanding current systems and performance, then identifying conditions, requirements or events that will trigger a decarbonization effort. The assessment looks across technical systems, asset strategy and sectoral factors.

Building System Conditions
  • Equipment nearing end-of-life
  • New heat source potential
  • Tenant load change
  • Resilience upgrades
  • Efficiency improvements
Asset Conditions
  • Repositioning
  • Capital event cycles
  • Carbon emissions limits
  • Tenant sustainability demands
  • Investor sustainability demands
Market Conditions
  • Technology improves
  • Policy changes
  • Utility prices change
  • Fuels phase out
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The project team initially explored two packages of combined reduction measures to assess the impact of eliminating fossil fuels and electrifying the building’s heating end uses. Individual measures studied earlier in the project were selected and combined with additional infrastructure enhancements to develop two electrification packages summarized as follows: 

  • Beneficial Electrification: Incorporates a suite of tenant, airside, and envelope upgrades along with the installation of air source heat pumps working in conjunction with the cogeneration plant to keep the building heated; eliminates all district steam resources. 
  • Full Electrification: Incorporates the same set of upgrades but utilizes more air source heat pumps in place of the cogeneration plant. 

The thermal dispatch approach utilized at PENN 1 allows the building to intelligently prioritize low-carbon thermal resources for operational building needs ahead of those that are more carbon intensive. This strategy, enabled by electrification of heating loads and heat recovery measures, will reduce energy use by 22% and carbon emissions by 38% by 2030.

Effective engineering integrates measures for reducing energy load, recovering wasted heat, and moving towards partial or full electrification. This increases operational efficiencies, optimizes energy peaks, and avoids oversized heating systems, thus alleviating space constraints and minimizing the cost of retrofits to decarbonize the building over time.

Existing Conditions

This diagram illustrates the building prior to the initiation of Strategic Decarbonization planning by the owners and their teams.

Click through the measures under “Building After” to understand the components of the building’s energy transition.

Sequence of Measures






Building System Affected

  • heating
  • cooling
  • ventilation
Penn One Building Before
Penn One Building After
Replace existing curtain wall glazing with triple pane insulated glazing unit (IGU)
Replace steam turbine chillers with high efficiency electric chillers
Replace constant volume induction units with Variable Air Volume (VAV) units as tenant spaces roll
Install WSHPs to reclaim rejected heat and offset building heating
Install ASHPs to partially electrify heating and inject heat to the secondary hot water system
Convert existing condenser water-cooled DX units to chilled water-cooled unites. Maximize heat recovery
Engage tenants during turnover to ensure best-in-class fit-out
Disable 24//7 cogeneration plant operation to eliminate most on-siite fossil-fuel usage and keep district steam as back-up; Maintain the Cogen plant as a resiliency and demand response asset
Install ASHPs to electrify the remaining heating load
Install thermal storage to offset peak demand and shift heating and cooling loads
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Reduce Energy Load 

  • Envelope Improvement: install new triple pane glazing 
  • Induction Units Replacement: replace constant volume perimeter induction units with VAV units 
  • Enhance Tenant Fit-out: Install high-efficiency equipment and engage with tenants to ensure best-in-class fit-out during turnover
  • Thermal Layering: Heating loads are sequenced and prioritized to first engage low-carbon resources to meet the building’s heating demand, and then use next-available or higher carbon-intense thermal resources to come online. For example, first use low carbon electric thermal resources from water-source heat pumps, and then utility steam to meet remaining demand. When the ASHPs are installed, they will be dispatched second, as another low carbon alternative. This approach makes it possible to meet peak heating loads during extreme cold events with relative ease and low carbon emissions.

Recover Wasted Heat 

  • Condenser Water Heat Recovery: This tactic will use water-source heat pumps (WSHP) to utilize heat from the condenser water system to supplement heating hot water for the building’s hydronic system. 
    • The WSHP method creates a “heat-lifting” machine that will raise the temperature of hot water to match the building’s existing supply – usefully extracting heat that would otherwise be wasted and reducing steam heat emissions. 
  • Computer Room Air Conditioning (CRAC) Conversion: Convert existing condenser water cooled DX units to chilled water-cooled units to maximize heat recovery and improve cooling efficiency

Partial Electrification: 

  • Electric Chillers: Replace steam turbine chillers to electric chillers 
  • Partial Air Source Heat Pumps: Install ASHPs to partially cover heating load served by the secondary hot water loop

Full Electrification: 

  • Cogen Decommissioning: Retire cogeneration plant and eliminate on-site fossil fuel usage; keep district steam as back-up
  • Thermal Storage: Install thermal storage systems to enable full-building electrification by shifting and support heating and cooling peaks and empower grid flexibility 
  • More ASHPs: Install ASHPs to cover remaining heating load

Making a business case for strategic decarbonization requires thinking beyond a traditional energy audit approach or simple payback analysis. It assesses business-as-usual costs and risks against the costs and added value of phased decarbonization investments in the long-term.

Retrofit Costs

Decarbonization Costs


Capital costs of decarbonization (est. in 2025 $).

Avoided Risks

Business-as-Usual Costs


Energy cost savings (2026–2050 [25 yrs]): 3.56M.

Repairs and maintenance savings: 99k.

BAU cost of system replacement/upgrades: 2.7M.

Residual cost (remaining equipment value): 764k.

Avoided Risks

Business-as-Usual Risks


LL97 fines avoided starting in 2030.

Added Value

Decarbonization Value



Net Present Value


Net difference between the present value of cash inflows and outflows over a period of time.

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Heat recovery remains a very costly endeavor. Even with the Empire Challenge award of $1 million, the energy savings alone yields a payback in excess of 7 years. Compared to other energy conservation measures with rapid ROIs, this is not in the realm of being a “no-brainer.” However, unlike other retrofits or upgrades that target electricity savings, this project reduces our future reliance on district steam, a utility that is expected to undergo very high cost escalations as they incorporate renewables into their production.

An emissions decarbonization roadmap helps building owners visualize their future emissions reductions by outlining the CO2 reductions from selected energy conservation measures. This roadmap is designed with a phased approach, considering a 20- or 30-year timeline, and incorporates the evolving benefits of grid decarbonization, ensuring a comprehensive view of long-term environmental impact.

Strategic decarbonization roadmap for PENN 1.
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The Vornado team has gained countless lessons-learned on their decarbonization planning journey. The following are essential insights from the project team:

Insights from the energy model

The predictive energy model revealed that while the renovations to the building will yield significant energy and carbon reductions, the energy consumption from tenant spaces, such as computer and plug loads, must also be significantly reduced and intelligently managed to drive down the carbon intensity of the building (and reduce/eliminate exposure to LL97 through the 2030 compliance period).

While every effort was made to ensure that the model reflects the design team’s best understanding of the building’s existing conditions and future usage, the modeled energy consumption, energy cost, and carbon emission estimates will likely vary from the actual energy, cost, and carbon of the building after construction. This is due to variables such as weather, occupancy, building operation and maintenance, changes in energy rates, changes in carbon emission coefficients, and energy uses not covered by the modeling scope.

Underscoring the importance of an iterative design process

In the first iteration of the decarbonization strategy, the Vornado team approached the project with an all-or-nothing electrification mindset. They found that the strategies that achieve the deepest levels of decarbonization through fully eliminating district steam and co-generation waste heat as heating sources may not be practical nor cost efficient to implement in such a complex existing building. So, they went back to the drawing board.

In the second iteration of the project, a more holistic strategy emphasizing the following core principles was developed:

  • Re-use existing infrastructure (i.e., piping and ductwork) where possible
  • Recovery wasted heat from internal loads
  • Electrify heating loads affordably with heat pumps
  • Compress space requirements for electrification equipment/systems
  • Dispatch thermally stored energy to shift and smooth loads to promote grid flexibility

Resource Efficient Electrification framework: With these guiding principles, the Vornado team developed a new strategy that follows the  Resource Efficient Decarbonization Framework, which JB&B refers to as “Reduce, Recycle, Electrify”. Phasing, cost compression, and space compression were prioritized so that measures are more likely to be installed and scaled to other Vornado properties.

Key takeaways on the broader decarbonization decision-making process

  • Invest in a Calibrated Energy Model – In large and complex buildings, building owners should commission a decarbonization study with an investment-grade calibrated energy model. Energy models should be custom built to the building’s unique characteristics, ensuring the analysis of retrofits are accurate and adds confidence to decision making. An energy model is a flexible tool that captures interactivity of all systems and ensures the strategies and measures studied have realistic energy and carbon reduction projections.
  • Just Because It’s Feasible Doesn’t Mean It’s Practical – Anything is possible in an energy model. Technical teams must be aware that building ownership teams care about more than just the energy and carbon results from the model. Strategies must be practical in real-world scenarios and should aim to re-use existing infrastructure where possible, minimize disruption, use space efficiently, and compress costs as much as possible. Technical teams must be prepared to show building owners how a particular measure will be installed practically.
  • Don’t Expect 5–7 Year Paybacks on Decarbonization Measures – Deep decarbonization measures will likely have long paybacks. This is due to high upfront costs of electrification technology, supporting infrastructure, and invasive retrofitting. Working against these high-efficient electric systems is the price of electricity, which is 5 to 6 times more expensive per unit of energy than natural gas. Simple payback analyses are unable to capture the true value of decarbonization investments, including non-energy benefits. Ownership teams have to adjust their payback expectations when considering deep decarbonization measures. 
  • Technological Innovation Isn’t the Only Innovation – There is new and exciting technology out there that has the potential to revolutionize the way we electrify buildings, but in the meantime, there are innovative approaches to electrifying buildings today with currently available technology. Purposeful dispatch of thermal energy sources and optimization for scalability, practicality, and affordability are innovative strategies. 
  • Conditioning Exhaust Air – Recycling waste heat from exhaust air streams isn’t a new idea, but using the refrigeration cycle to extract and lift heat from exhaust air streams to serve heating loads is a new and innovative concept. Essentially, by air conditioning the exhaust air, like traditionally avoided toilet exhaust, heat can be recovered and lifted to higher temperatures by a heat pump to offset heating loads. The reverse is also true in the summertime, where exhaust air can serve as a heat rejection medium for the chilled water production of chiller plants. 
  • Potential of Low Temperature Hot Water in Existing Chilled Water Coils Low temperature hot water enables heat recovery and air source heat pumps to have a big impact, but reconfiguring all comfort heating systems in existing buildings to be low temperature is difficult and costly. The following approach offers a more practical alternative:
  • Partially electrify high temperature hot water systems (i.e., perimeter systems) with water-source heat pumps and condenser heat recovery. This allows existing distribution infrastructure to stay in place – critical to wider spread of heat pump adoption. 
  • Transition air handling unit steam or hot water coils to low temperature, which can be served by air source heat pumps. The cost and scope of coil replacements is much more manageable than replacing all heating systems with low temperature hot water infrastructure. In some cases, existing chilled water coils can be used with low temperature hot water and become a modified change-over coil, negating the cost of replacement. 
  • Operations Team Integration: These decarbonization strategies are new and complex. Existing operations teams must be part of the design and implementation of these systems and training is of critical importance. A system that is designed to be low-carbon will not be successful if it is not operated per the design intent and understood thoroughly by those operating them. 
  • Disruption and Phasing: Some of the best decarbonization strategies are also some of the most disruptive. Phasing must be based upon several factors including the rate of grid decarbonization, leasing turnover cycles, capital planning cycles, and equipment nearing its end of useful life. 

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Case Study

Terminology & Definitions

Project Status


Under Construction

Monitoring & Evaluation

A baseline assessment is key to understanding current systems and performance, then identifying conditions, requirements or events that will trigger a decarbonization effort. The assessment looks across technical systems, asset strategy and sectoral factors.

Building System Conditions
Asset Conditions
Market Conditions
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Effective engineering integrates measures for reducing energy load, recovering wasted heat, and moving towards partial or full electrification. This increases operational efficiencies, optimizes energy peaks, and avoids oversized heating systems, thus alleviating space constraints and minimizing the cost of retrofits to decarbonize the building over time.

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Making a business case for strategic decarbonization requires thinking beyond a traditional energy audit approach or simple payback analysis. It assesses business-as-usual costs and risks against the costs and added value of phased decarbonization investments in the long-term.

Retrofit Costs

Decarbonization Costs

Avoided Risks

Business-as-Usual Costs

Avoided Risks

Business-as-Usual Risks

Added Value

Decarbonization Value

Net Present Value
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An emissions decarbonization roadmap helps building owners visualize their future emissions reductions by outlining the CO2 reductions from selected energy conservation measures. This roadmap is designed with a phased approach, considering a 20- or 30-year timeline, and incorporates the evolving benefits of grid decarbonization, ensuring a comprehensive view of long-term environmental impact.

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Insights from Empire Building Challenge 

The following are terms commonly used in the building decarbonization universe:

Carbon Neutral Buildings:

Buildings that produce no net greenhouse gas emissions directly or indirectly. Carbon neutrality spans multiple scopes of associated greenhouse gas emissions including:operations on-site and via emissions associated with third parties delivering energy or products to site and embodied carbon emissions from the full lifecycle and production of construction materials. Emissions are often referred to as scope 1, 2 and 3. Essentially, scope 1 and 2 are those emissions that are owned or controlled by a company. Meanwhile, scope 3 emissions are a consequence of the activities of the company but occur from sources not owned or controlled by it.

Coefficient of Performance (COP):

The ratio of the amount of heat delivered from a heat pump over the amount of electrical input. For example, a heat pump has a COP of 5.0, if it can deliver 5 units of heat for one unit of electricity input. A COP of 1.0 is typical for resistance heat (e.g., toaster or hair dryer). 

Facade Overclad:

An additional weather barrier installed overtop an existing facade to increase building envelope energy performance, thermal comfort, and to reduce ongoing building maintenance. 

Heat Recovery/Recycling:

The capture and reuse of waste heat often incorporating thermal storage techniques, see Time Independent Energy Recovery (TIER).

Net Present Value (NPV):

An analysis of project cash flow over a set period which incorporates inflation and the time value of money; the “upfront” lifetime value of a project. A positive NPV yields a Return on Investment (ROI).

On-site Fossil Fuel:

Fossil fuel consumed typically via combustion within a building for the purpose of heating, cooling, domestic hot water production, or power generation.

Return on Investment (ROI):

The ratio between net income and savings from a project investment over a set period. ROI is typically presented as a percentage for the period of one year.

Simple Payback:

Economic benefits yielded from investment in a project. Simple payback is typically presented in the time (e.g. years) it takes to recover an investment, but does not consider variations in cash flow over time or the time value of money.

Strategic Decarbonization Assessment (SDA):

A mid- to long-term financial planning method for building owners to manage carbon emissions and energy use.

Thermal Distribution:

The means by which thermal energy is moved throughout a building. This includes moving heat through various heat transfer mediums including but not limited to water, steam, refrigerant gas, or ducted air.

Thermal Energy Network (TEN):

Infrastructure that enables heat sharing through a number of thermal transfer mediums and between heat customers and producers who extract heat from multiple sources using varied technologies.

Thermal Storage:

The storage of thermal energy for later use, utilizing various mediums and technologies.

Waste Heat:

Heat or cooling which is typically rejected to the air and not recovered. Waste heat sources include sanitary sewer heat, heat rejected from air source heat pumps, cooling tower heat, heat lost from ventilation exhaust, steam condensate return, and underground transportation, among others.

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Case Study

High Rise / Low Carbon Event Series: Keep the Outside Out

Project Status


Under Construction

Monitoring & Evaluation

A baseline assessment is key to understanding current systems and performance, then identifying conditions, requirements or events that will trigger a decarbonization effort. The assessment looks across technical systems, asset strategy and sectoral factors.

Building System Conditions
Asset Conditions
Market Conditions
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Effective engineering integrates measures for reducing energy load, recovering wasted heat, and moving towards partial or full electrification. This increases operational efficiencies, optimizes energy peaks, and avoids oversized heating systems, thus alleviating space constraints and minimizing the cost of retrofits to decarbonize the building over time.

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Making a business case for strategic decarbonization requires thinking beyond a traditional energy audit approach or simple payback analysis. It assesses business-as-usual costs and risks against the costs and added value of phased decarbonization investments in the long-term.

Retrofit Costs

Decarbonization Costs

Avoided Risks

Business-as-Usual Costs

Avoided Risks

Business-as-Usual Risks

Added Value

Decarbonization Value

Net Present Value
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An emissions decarbonization roadmap helps building owners visualize their future emissions reductions by outlining the CO2 reductions from selected energy conservation measures. This roadmap is designed with a phased approach, considering a 20- or 30-year timeline, and incorporates the evolving benefits of grid decarbonization, ensuring a comprehensive view of long-term environmental impact.

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During this High Rise / Low Carbon series program developed to support the Empire Building Challenge and other NYSERDA programs, hear from experts focused on recent innovations in delivering high-performance, low carbon envelope retrofits, an essential keystone for maintaining high quality indoor environments while radically lowering heating and cooling demand to realize a low-carbon future. 

Featuring diverse examples, from the over-cladding of masonry buildings to the re-cladding of curtainwall buildings, this discussion will focus on the technical aspects of high performance envelopes like integrating MEP systems into cladding, but also the ownership structures and cost compression that can result from innovation in this critical space. 

Opening Remarks

James Geppner, Senior Project Manager, Retrofit NY, NYSERDA


Todd Kimmel, Regional Specifications Manager, ROCKWOOL North America & Chairperson, Rainscreen Association in North America


Abdulla Darrat, President, Renewal Construction Services LLC
Laura Humphrey, Director of Sustainability, L&M Development Partners


Abdulla Darrat, President, Renewal Construction Services LLC
Aurimas Sabulis, CEO, Dextall
Erin Fisher, Director of Engineering Services, CANY
John Ivanoff, Associate Principal, Buro Happold

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Case Study

The Towers

Oldest US multifamily co-op transforms wastewater into clean energy

In Bronx, NY, the Amalgamated Housing Cooperative (AHC) embarked on a pioneering low carbon retrofit project at ‘The Towers,’ two 20-story buildings containing 316 affordable apartments across 425,000 square feet. Established in 1927, AHC is the oldest limited equity multifamily co-operative in the country. 

The retrofit focuses on upgrading the heating and cooling infrastructure to enable simultaneous operation, diverging from the existing seasonal limitation. By introducing cutting-edge solutions including wastewater heat recovery and geothermal systems, AHC aims to harness energy from domestic water sources, thereby phasing out its reliance on cooling towers and decreasing fossil fuel consumption. This initiative not only promises enhanced thermal comfort and sustained affordability for its residents but also sets a benchmark for energy efficiency and climate resilience. The project’s success could potentially revolutionize energy management across similar multifamily complexes in New York State, demonstrating a scalable model for other buildings with similar heating and cooling system configurations– a total market estimated at 200 million square feet. 

AHC’s commitment to its low-to-moderate income community underscores this ambitious venture, reinforcing its legacy and leadership in sustainable development.

The Towers buildings

Project Status


Under Construction

Monitoring & Evaluation

Emissions Reductions


carbon emissions reduction on an all-electric site by 2035.

Lessons Learned

This project will make clean energy from dirty water by recapturing heat from sinks, showers, and toilets.

Lessons Learned

The project’s complete building re-piping decrease the future loaded needed for the planned geothermal heat pump system improving performance and comfort.


200 million SF of multifamily building stock for potential replication across New York State. 

A baseline assessment is key to understanding current systems and performance, then identifying conditions, requirements or events that will trigger a decarbonization effort. The assessment looks across technical systems, asset strategy and sectoral factors.

Building System Conditions
  • System Failure
  • Equipment nearing end-of-life
  • New heat source potential
  • Comfort improvements
  • Indoor air quality improvefments
  • Facade maintenance
  • Resilience upgrades
  • Efficiency improvements
Asset Conditions
  • Recapitalization
  • Capital event cycles
  • Carbon emissions limits
  • Investor sustainability demands
  • Owner sustainability goals
Market Conditions
  • Technology improves
  • Policy changes
  • Infrastructure transitions
  • Fuels phase out
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The Towers are two of 13 buildings that comprise AHC’s multifamily campus located in the Bronx. Many of the systems at the property, including the piping distribution system, are beyond their useful life and in poor condition, causing leaks and requiring continual repair and maintenance. The campus currently uses a central gas-powered boiler plant to produce steam for heating, cooling, and domestic hot water.

As part of its recapitalization cycle, the property is embarking on a decarbonization journey which will include a comprehensive retrofit of the heating, cooling, and domestic hot water systems, an envelope upgrade, and onsite renewable generation in the form of geothermal and solar PV. 

This project will increase thermal comfort and secure utility affordability for its low-and-moderate income residents, as well as enhance the energy efficiency and climate resilience of the property. 

Effective engineering integrates measures for reducing energy load, recovering wasted heat, and moving towards partial or full electrification. This increases operational efficiencies, optimizes energy peaks, and avoids oversized heating systems, thus alleviating space constraints and minimizing the cost of retrofits to decarbonize the building over time.

Existing Conditions

This diagram illustrates the building prior to the initiation of Strategic Decarbonization planning by the owners and their teams.

Click through the measures under “Building After” to understand the components of the building’s energy transition.

Sequence of Measures





Building System Affected

  • heating
  • cooling
  • ventilation
The Towers Before Illustration
The Towers After Illustration
The existing distribution system and terminal units are beyond their end of useful life (EUL). Install 2 new hydronic loops supplying both heating hot water and chilled water all year round to new fan coil units (FCUs) in apartments.
Install sewage tank and use Sharc Energy heat pumps to produce heating, cooling and domestic hot water (DHW)
Cleaning and balancing of existing ventilation system
Insulate roofs, replace windows and air seal walls.
Drill geothermal boreholes on property land and install ground source heat pumps to produce heating, cooling and DHW
The Towers After Illustration
Take advantage of rooftop space to install solar PV system for clean electricity generation
The Towers After Illustration
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Reduce Energy Load 

  • New hydronic distribution: Replace the dual temperature hydronic system with new piping supplying both heating hot water and chilled water simultaneously to provide heating or cooling year-round improving tenant comfort. The measure includes new fan coil units with more efficient motors and designed for low temperature heating hot water to reduce the load on the buildings and facilitate heat pump technology integration.
  • Envelope Improvements: roof insulation, window replacement and air sealing walls 
  • Ventilation Maintenance: balancing and sealing of ventilation system to reduce exhaust air 
  • Controls Upgrades: Install modern control system to automate and optimize new heat pump systems

Recover Wasted Heat 

  • Wastewater Heat Recovery: Recapture heat from wastewater using WSHPs to produce heating, cooling, and domestic hot water (DHW). Use wastewater as heat sink in cooling mode to enable removal of old cooling towers.

Full Electrification 

  • Ground Source Heat Pumps: Drill boreholes on property land and install WSHPs to produce heating, cooling and DHW. Use boreholes as heat sink in cooling mode. 
  • Solar PV: Install solar PV system on rooftop 
  • Electrify Appliances: install electric dryers and cooking equipment

Making a business case for strategic decarbonization requires thinking beyond a traditional energy audit approach or simple payback analysis. It assesses business-as-usual costs and risks against the costs and added value of phased decarbonization investments in the long-term.

Retrofit Costs

Decarbonization Costs


Capital costs of decarbonization.

Avoided Risks

Business-as-Usual Costs

$29.5M + $35k / YR

BAU cost of system replacement.

Repairs & maintenance.

Avoided Risks

Business-as-Usual Risks


LL97 fines do not apply at this property.

Added Value

Decarbonization Value



Net Present Value


Versus -$1.36M for BAU with difference of $3.33M. 

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To confirm the viability of The Towers adopting energy efficiency measures, the project team constructed several discounted cash flow financial scenarios utilizing Net Present Value (NPV) or the total cash flow of the measures taken over a period of time by assuming a discount rate for the worth of money over a period. For comparison, they constructed a baseline for forecasted equipment replacement compared to the Roadmap measures. A comparison of investment costs are as follows: 

  • Baseline Costs: $29.5 million 
  • Measure Costs (Alternative 1): $33 million, $26.4 million (after rebates, tax benefits, etc.)

Using a 7% discount rate over 20 years, the discounted cash flows resulted in relative net present values (NPVs) of -$1.36 million for the Baseline and +$1.97 million for the planned ECMs, a difference of $3.33 million. Based on the analysis, the cost of planned ECMs is a more viable financial investment.

Notably, the costs of business-as-usual in these scenarios do not capture what New York State prescribes as the Social Cost of Carbon (SCC). The SCC is a metric used by countries, states, and other authorities having jurisdiction (AHJ) to place a cost on climate change impacts. New York State firmly defines the SCC as $125/ton of CO2 emitted. The alternative energy system for The Towers, though capital intensive, has clear economic benefits. This and many other climate change impacts such as point pollution, land degradation, human health, and others, are known as intangible decarbonization benefits.

An emissions decarbonization roadmap helps building owners visualize their future emissions reductions by outlining the CO2 reductions from selected energy conservation measures. This roadmap is designed with a phased approach, considering a 20- or 30-year timeline, and incorporates the evolving benefits of grid decarbonization, ensuring a comprehensive view of long-term environmental impact.

Strategic decarbonization roadmap for The Towers.
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The measures used in our decarbonization strategy have been strategically planned based on priorities, as well as to optimize energy and carbon reduction. The approach is to reduce loads first to allow for reduced and properly sized new systems. This sequence enables implementation of the measures because it allows thermal loads to be reduced as soon as possible, before electrification of heating and cooling with the ground source heat pump (GSHP) system. Most critical to the success of the plan are the early implementation of the distribution system retrofit and installation of the wastewater energy transfer (WET) system for thermal energy recovery.

Due to the critical nature of the decarbonization work, AHC desires an aggressive implementation timeline for the measures. The work, specifically the piping and fan coil unit (FCU) replacement and WET system installation, is slated to occur 2024-2026. Then in 2026-2028 comes the critical steps of envelope improvements, submetering and control upgrades, and geothermal system installation. The geothermal measure will be a critical step for transitioning The Towers away from fossil fuels because the GSHP system will replace the steam supplied from the gas and oil fed central boiler plant for heating, cooling, and domestic hot water (DHW). This measure will allow the chiller, cooling tower, and steam piping to be fully decommissioned, thereby yielding additional operational and maintenance savings. In 2028-2030, installing the solar PV system will allow for further deep energy savings as it will enable The Towers to have a direct source of clean energy and rely less on the main electricity grid, which needs time to transition to clean energy. Lastly, in 2039-2034, electrifying the appliances will be the last component in completely transitioning The Towers away from on-site fossil fuels while also saving energy by installing high efficiency alternatives and providing health benefits to the residents by eliminating gas stoves.

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Case Study

A Rational Approach to Large Building Decarbonization

Project Status


Under Construction

Monitoring & Evaluation

A baseline assessment is key to understanding current systems and performance, then identifying conditions, requirements or events that will trigger a decarbonization effort. The assessment looks across technical systems, asset strategy and sectoral factors.

Building System Conditions
Asset Conditions
Market Conditions
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Effective engineering integrates measures for reducing energy load, recovering wasted heat, and moving towards partial or full electrification. This increases operational efficiencies, optimizes energy peaks, and avoids oversized heating systems, thus alleviating space constraints and minimizing the cost of retrofits to decarbonize the building over time.

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Making a business case for strategic decarbonization requires thinking beyond a traditional energy audit approach or simple payback analysis. It assesses business-as-usual costs and risks against the costs and added value of phased decarbonization investments in the long-term.

Retrofit Costs

Decarbonization Costs

Avoided Risks

Business-as-Usual Costs

Avoided Risks

Business-as-Usual Risks

Added Value

Decarbonization Value

Net Present Value
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An emissions decarbonization roadmap helps building owners visualize their future emissions reductions by outlining the CO2 reductions from selected energy conservation measures. This roadmap is designed with a phased approach, considering a 20- or 30-year timeline, and incorporates the evolving benefits of grid decarbonization, ensuring a comprehensive view of long-term environmental impact.

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Lessons from New York’s Empire Building Challenge

This article, published in NESEA’s BuildingEnergy magazine (Vol. 40 No. 1), addresses common “decarbonization blind spots” that impede progress and shares insights gained from the incremental methodology and integrated design process pioneered through NYSERDA’s Empire Building Challenge.

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Case Study

Technical Barriers to Decarbonization

Project Status


Under Construction

Monitoring & Evaluation

A baseline assessment is key to understanding current systems and performance, then identifying conditions, requirements or events that will trigger a decarbonization effort. The assessment looks across technical systems, asset strategy and sectoral factors.

Building System Conditions
Asset Conditions
Market Conditions
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Effective engineering integrates measures for reducing energy load, recovering wasted heat, and moving towards partial or full electrification. This increases operational efficiencies, optimizes energy peaks, and avoids oversized heating systems, thus alleviating space constraints and minimizing the cost of retrofits to decarbonize the building over time.

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Making a business case for strategic decarbonization requires thinking beyond a traditional energy audit approach or simple payback analysis. It assesses business-as-usual costs and risks against the costs and added value of phased decarbonization investments in the long-term.

Retrofit Costs

Decarbonization Costs

Avoided Risks

Business-as-Usual Costs

Avoided Risks

Business-as-Usual Risks

Added Value

Decarbonization Value

Net Present Value
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An emissions decarbonization roadmap helps building owners visualize their future emissions reductions by outlining the CO2 reductions from selected energy conservation measures. This roadmap is designed with a phased approach, considering a 20- or 30-year timeline, and incorporates the evolving benefits of grid decarbonization, ensuring a comprehensive view of long-term environmental impact.

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Insights from Empire Building Challenge

Large commercial and residential buildings must overcome various hurdles before implementing deep retrofits or capital projects that help achieve building decarbonization. This section addresses technical barriers and questions often faced by building owners and retrofit project developers.

Decentralized Systems and Tenant Equipment

  • Access to Occupied Spaces.
  • Lease Concerns.
  • Regulatory Limitations of Rent Stabilized Apartments.
    • The building owner is required to provide free heat and hot water.
    • No mechanism to recover investment in new systems is necessary to achieve decarbonization.
    • Buildings are capital constrained.
  • Split Incentives (e.g. tenants pay for energy).

Facade and Windows

  • Work must be completed at the end of facade/window useful life; very long useful life.
  • Building codes.
  • Glazing reduction at odds with aesthetic/marketability concerns.
  • Difficult installing with occupied spaces.
  • Reduce Local Law 11 recurring cost via overcladding
    • Aesthetic concerns
    • At odds with historic preservation
    • Capital intensive
    • Lot line limitations
  • Technology Limitations
    • Need higher R-value/inch for thinner wall assembly:
      • Vacuum insulated panels
      • Aerogel panels/batts
      • Zero-GWP blowing agents for closed cell spray foam (nitrogen blowing agent needs to be more widely adopted)


  • Energy Recovery Ventilation (ERV)
    • Space constraints
    • System tie-in point accessibility/feasibility
  • Rooftop Supply Air (Reznor) Unit Alternatives
    • Heat pump alternatives to eliminate resistance heat
    • Combine with ERV
  • HVAC Load Reduction (HLR) Technology
    • Vent or capture exhaust gases
    • Space constraints
    • System tie-in point accessibility/feasibility
  • Central vs. Decentralized Ventilation Systems
  • Direct Outside Air System (DOAS)
    • Modular perimeter ducted air heat pumps:
      • Competition for leasable space
      • Space constraints
  • Ventilation Points-of-Entry
    • Aesthetic concerns
    • Lot line facades/building setbacks
    • Competition with leasable space
    • Space constraints

Heat Pump Limitations

  • Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF)
    • Fire and life safety concerns about volume of refrigerant gas located within occupied spaces.
  • Regulatory risk from new refrigerant policies
  • PTAC and VTAC
  • Ducted Supply/Exhaust Air Source Heat Pumps
  • Domestic Hot Water
    • Central DHW Systems:
      • Limited domestic production.
      • Performance not confirmed by independent third parties.
      • More demonstration projects needed.
    • Decentralized DHW Systems
  • More open-source interconnection between devices/interoperability is needed to achieve energy distribution flexibility and capacity expansion:
    • Air source that has a manifold connection to interconnect with water source or refrigerant gas distribution.
    • Interconnectivity/simplified heat exchange between refrigerants/water/air, etc.
    • Other options and add-ons.

Steam Alternatives and Barriers

Below are high temperature renewable resource alternatives to district steam. These alternatives are limited and face barriers to implementation due to cost, scalability, and other factors. 

  • Deep Bore Geothermal
  • Renewable Hydrogen
  • Carbon Capture and Sequestration
  • Biomethane
  • Electric Boilers
  • High-temperature thermal storage
  • Hight-temperature industrial heat pumps
  • Waste Heat Capture and Reuse
  • Fission

Barriers to Electrification and Utility Capacity Limitations

Building Electric Capacity Upgrades

  • Electric riser capacity
  • Switchgear expansion
  • New service/vault expansion/point-of-entry space constraints
  • Capacity competition with other electrification needs:
    • Space heat and cooling
    • DHW
    • Cooking
    • Pumps and motors

Local Network Electric Capacity Upgrades

  • Excess Distribution Facility Charges (EDF)
  • Contributions in Aid of Construction (CIAC)

Gas Utility Earnings Adjustment Mechanisms (EAM) focused on System Peak Demand Reductions

  • Partial Electrification concepts achieve deep decarbonization but do not necessarily achieve peak gas demand reductions (debatable)

Total Connected Loads and Peak Demand drive need for capacity upgrades

  • Demand reduction strategies do not obviate capacity limitations unless the utility accepts the solution as a permanent demand/load reduction strategy.
    • Battery Storage:
      1. Fire danger
      2. Space constraints
      3. Electricity distribution limitations
      4. Structural loads
    • Building Automation/BMS/Demand Response:
      1. Cost
      2. Integration limitations; Blackbox software
      3. Microgrid development cost and lack of expertise
    • On-site Generation:
      1. Space constraints
      2. Gas use; Zero carbon fuels availability is non-existent
      3. Structural loads
      4. Pipe infrastructure

Thermal Storage

  • Space constrains
  • Structural loads
  • Technology limitations:
    • Vacuum insulated storage tanks
    • Phase change material (DHW, space heating)

Geothermal (ambient temperature), Deep Bore Geothermal (high temperature) or Shared Loop District Energy Systems provide cooling and heating with lower peak demand than standard electric equipment

  • Building pipe riser limitations; need additional riser capacity:
    • Building water loops are typically “top down” – cooling capacity is typically located at rooftop mechanical penthouses; cooling towers at roof. Some exceptions to this rule
    • Space Constraints
  • Drilling Difficulty:
    • Outdoor space constraints for geothermal wells
    • Difficult permitting
    • Mud and contaminated soil disposal
    • Overhead clearance constraints for drilling in basements/garages 
  • Shared Loop/Thermal Utility Limitations:
    • Requires entity that may operate in public ROWs and across property lines
    • Utilities are limited by regulations for gas, steam or electric delivery versus shared loop media (ambient temperature water).
      1. Only utility entities can provide very long amortization periods
      2. Utilities are best suited to work amid crowded underground municipal ROWs.
  • Deep Bore Geothermal Limitations:
    • Requires test drilling and geological assessment
    • Seismic risk
    • Drilling equipment is very large – more akin to oil and gas development equipment
    • Subsurface land rights and DEC restrictions

Other Energy Efficiency/Conservation Measures with proven/attractive economics (these measures are limited by lack of capital or knowledge)

  • Lighting with lighting controls
  • High-efficiency electrically commutated motors (ECM)
  • Variable Frequency Drives (VFD) on pumps and motors
  • Retro-commissioning tasks and maintenance

Behavioral Modification

  • Staggered work scheduling
  • Telework

Submetering and billing, potentially creates split incentive between landlord and tenant

Crossover Device or “Magic Box” Technology

These include multi-purpose technology for heating, cooling, heat exchange and ventilation, filtration, and/or domestic hot water.

  • Domestic production and supply chain is limited.
  • Small players operating in this space.
  • Technology is not tested over long operational periods (providers include: Daikin, Nilan, Zehnder, Drexel und Weiss, Minotair, Build Equinox, Clivet).

Zero Carbon Fuel Limitations

  • Green Hydrogen
  • Renewable Natural Gas

Low-Carbon Fuels

  • Biofuel
  • Biomethane

Renewable Energy Procurement Limitations

  • REC Purchasing:
    • NYSERDA monopolizes REC purchasing from renewable energy projects.

Pending Carbon Trading Programs Limitations

  • Deployment timeline is highly uncertain.
  • Price per ton of carbon is highly uncertain and will likely be volatile/low based on previous emissions trading scheme outcomes.

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Case Study

Low Carbon Multifamily Retrofit Playbooks

Project Status


Under Construction

Monitoring & Evaluation

A baseline assessment is key to understanding current systems and performance, then identifying conditions, requirements or events that will trigger a decarbonization effort. The assessment looks across technical systems, asset strategy and sectoral factors.

Building System Conditions
Asset Conditions
Market Conditions
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Effective engineering integrates measures for reducing energy load, recovering wasted heat, and moving towards partial or full electrification. This increases operational efficiencies, optimizes energy peaks, and avoids oversized heating systems, thus alleviating space constraints and minimizing the cost of retrofits to decarbonize the building over time.

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Making a business case for strategic decarbonization requires thinking beyond a traditional energy audit approach or simple payback analysis. It assesses business-as-usual costs and risks against the costs and added value of phased decarbonization investments in the long-term.

Retrofit Costs

Decarbonization Costs

Avoided Risks

Business-as-Usual Costs

Avoided Risks

Business-as-Usual Risks

Added Value

Decarbonization Value

Net Present Value
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An emissions decarbonization roadmap helps building owners visualize their future emissions reductions by outlining the CO2 reductions from selected energy conservation measures. This roadmap is designed with a phased approach, considering a 20- or 30-year timeline, and incorporates the evolving benefits of grid decarbonization, ensuring a comprehensive view of long-term environmental impact.

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These playbooks summarize retrofit strategies that maximize occupant comfort and energy savings through a transition from fuel to electricity- based heating, cooling and hot water systems.

Playbooks are organized by building system— lighting & loads, envelope, ventilation, heating & cooling, and domestic hot water– detailing common existing systems, typical issues, and recommended measures.

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Case Study

59-17 Junction Boulevard

Updating end-of-life equipment to enhance resilience and decarbonize

59-17 Junction Boulevard, developed by LeFrak Commercial, highlights the crucial intersection between decarbonization and resiliency. The 454,645 square foot, 20-story commercial property located in Queens, NY was built in 1970 and features an inefficient 2-pipe heating and cooling system that has reached the end of its useful life, due in part to damage sustained by Hurricane Ida. 

As part of their participation in the Empire Building Challenge, LeFrak will complete a significant decarbonization project valued at $19.7 million, resulting in the overall reduction of onsite fossil fuels by 2035. The measures aim to electrify and recover heat of thermal loads at the property, immediately reducing site energy use by over 33% from a 2021 baseline. 

LeFrak is a preeminent, family-owned property company that owns and manages an extensive portfolio of real property concentrated in the New York/New Jersey metropolitan area, as well as South Florida, Los Angeles, and throughout the West Coast.

59-17 Junction Boulevard

Project Status


Under Construction

Monitoring & Evaluation


25.1 million

Total project investment to install retrofits enabling electrification and heat recovery of thermal loads at the property and reduce site energy use intensity by 33%.

Lessons Learned

Replacing fuel-fired absorption chillers with modular heat pump electric chillers enhances heating and cooling capabilities.

Chiller install

“LeFrak is proud to work in partnership with NYSERDA and the Empire Building Challenge to advance the real estate industry’s ability to decarbonize high-rise buildings. We recognize the importance of leading the path to carbon neutrality and are committed to working together to rethink our building environment.”

John Fitzsimmons
Senior Director, Head of Commercial Property Management
LeFrak Commercial

Lessons Learned

Installation of heat exchangers and critical re-piping enables the core and perimeter of the building to operate independently and provides heat recovery.

Delivery of electric modular heat pumps chillers and heat exchangers

A baseline assessment is key to understanding current systems and performance, then identifying conditions, requirements or events that will trigger a decarbonization effort. The assessment looks across technical systems, asset strategy and sectoral factors.

Building System Conditions
  • Equipment nearing end-of-life
  • Damage from events
  • Resilience upgrades
  • Efficiency improvements
Asset Conditions
    Market Conditions
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      The plan for decarbonization was developed with short- and long-term needs in mind and was prompted by heating and cooling equipment that has reached the end of its useful life, due in part to damage sustained by Hurricane Ida. This project highlights the intersection between decarbonization and resiliency, in which necessary upgrades can be leveraged to integrate low-carbon solutions and safeguard critical building systems from future climate impacts. The immediate capital work, slated for 2024-2025, has been structured to facilitate the elimination of on-site fossil fuel consumption by the end of the 2035 decarbonization period, with careful consideration given to constructability, importance of tenant disruption, and financial implications.

      Effective engineering integrates measures for reducing energy load, recovering wasted heat, and moving towards partial or full electrification. This increases operational efficiencies, optimizes energy peaks, and avoids oversized heating systems, thus alleviating space constraints and minimizing the cost of retrofits to decarbonize the building over time.

      Existing Conditions

      This diagram illustrates the building prior to the initiation of Strategic Decarbonization planning by the owners and their teams.

      Click through the measures under “Building After” to understand the components of the building’s energy transition.

      Sequence of Measures


      Building System Affected

      • heating
      • cooling
      • ventilation
      59-17 Junction Boulevard Building Before
      59-17 Junction Boulevard Building After
      Replace damaged steam-fired chillers with electric modular heat pump chillers for electric cooling newly piped to the independent core and perimeter hydronic loops of the building
      Install multiple heat exchangers and dedicated VFD pumps to facilitate heat recovery between core and perimeter using electric modular heat pump chillers in cooling mode during the shoulder season
      Auxiliary condensing water connection isolation taps installed to a future campus wide thermal energy network heat recovery source via a heat exchanger
      Expand electrical capacity and provide backup generation for resiliency. The measure will allow additional, layered heat generation needed to meet peak heating loads
      Extract additional heat and cool from outgoing exhaust and redirect back into the building
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      Reduce Energy Load 

      • Building Management System (BMS): Install new BMS for better integrated control of HVAC equipment and lower distribution temperature.

      Recover Wasted Heat 

      The existing, inefficient 2-pipe system, which only allows the building to be in heating or cooling mode, will be re-piped to create two separate hydronic zones. This will allow the newly independent loops of the building to exchange rejected heat from the core to the perimeter zone as needed. This piping work will incorporate heat exchangers to possibly connect with adjacent buildings also owned by LeFrak that are mostly residential and create a community thermal network to share loads.

      • Enabling Heat Recovery: New piping work to separate core and perimeter hydronic systems and operate them independently. Install heat exchangers to facilitate heat recovery between core and perimeter using electric modular heat pump chillers.
      • Heat Recovery Ventilation: Install Energy Recovery Ventilators (ERV) to recapture wasted heat and pre-condition fresh air.

      Partial Electrification 

      Beginning in 2024, the existing fossil fuel driven plant will be decommissioned, and a new plant that enables decarbonization will be installed, including modular electric heat pump chillers with cooling and future heating capabilities.

      • Electric Heat Pump Chillers: Replace existing fuel fired steam absorption chillers with electric modular heat pump chillers that can provide heat recovery via dedicated heat exchangers.
      • Thermal Network Connection: Install heat exchangers and auxiliary connection to allow a future connection to a campus wide thermal energy network.

      Making a business case for strategic decarbonization requires thinking beyond a traditional energy audit approach or simple payback analysis. It assesses business-as-usual costs and risks against the costs and added value of phased decarbonization investments in the long-term.

      Retrofit Costs

      Decarbonization Costs


      Capital costs of Empire Building Challenge funded decarbonization measures: 9.7M.

      Capital costs of other renovation work: 15.4M.

      Avoided Risks

      Business-as-Usual Costs

      $10.7M + $85k / YR

      Energy cost savings: 8.5k / YR.

      BAU cost of system replacement/upgrades (replacement in kind (non-electric chiller, estimated): 10.7M.

      Avoided Risks

      Business-as-Usual Risks

      $238k / YR

      Avoided LL97 fines starting in 2030.

      Added Value

      Decarbonization Value


      Empire Building Challenge Incentives: 3M.

      Other incentives: 500k.

      Net Present Value


      Net difference between the present value of cash inflows and outflows over a period of time.

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      The building had an immediate capital expenditure at the start of the project, through the need to replace the existing central heating and cooling plant. The initial scope of work for the plant replacement was installing magnetic bearing drive, centrifugal chillers to avoid costly future LL97 fines projected with their current fossil fuel driven equipment. While this would have alleviated a majority of future LL97 fines, it did not address any of the enabling steps required for future heat recovery which are necessary to support longer term decarbonization goals. The enabling steps are critical as the building explores options for further fossil fuel reduction beyond 2030, such as integration with external thermal networks.

      An emissions decarbonization roadmap helps building owners visualize their future emissions reductions by outlining the CO2 reductions from selected energy conservation measures. This roadmap is designed with a phased approach, considering a 20- or 30-year timeline, and incorporates the evolving benefits of grid decarbonization, ensuring a comprehensive view of long-term environmental impact.

      Strategic decarbonization roadmap for 59-17 Junction Boulevard.
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      Due to external project requirements, this project had a particularly compressed implementation timeline compared to other decarbonization projects. The team evaluated various replacement options over the existing systems to reduce carbon emissions: at the end of the EBC Technical Assistance Phase, ownership reviewed the financial and technical analyses of the decarbonization roadmap options, ultimately deciding to electrify the cooling plant and enable heat recovery from the core zone to the perimeter zone. The central plant work meets the building’s immediate needs, while increasing the resilience of the central plant and allowing for future flexibility and decarbonization efforts. 

      On-site work to upgrade the central plants has already begun and will continue into 2025. This work includes:

      • Replacing damaged steam chillers with electric modular chillers. 
      • Installing a new BMS system to allow better, integrated control of HVAC systems.
      • Redesigned central plant with additional heat exchangers and improved piping layout to separate core and perimeter hydronic systems and operate them independently, enabling heat recovery between core and perimeter using electric modular chillers.
      • Auxiliary piping and heat exchanger allowing a future connection to a campus wide thermal energy network.
      • Expanded electrical capacity and backup generation for resiliency. The measure will allow additional, layered heat generation needed to meet peak heating loads.


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      Case Study

      660 Fifth Avenue

      High-rise implements heat pumps and outdoor air systems for decarbonization
      660 Fifth Avenue Case Study

      Case Study

      Empire Technology Prize

      Project Status


      Under Construction

      Monitoring & Evaluation

      A baseline assessment is key to understanding current systems and performance, then identifying conditions, requirements or events that will trigger a decarbonization effort. The assessment looks across technical systems, asset strategy and sectoral factors.

      Building System Conditions
      Asset Conditions
      Market Conditions
      Learn More

      Effective engineering integrates measures for reducing energy load, recovering wasted heat, and moving towards partial or full electrification. This increases operational efficiencies, optimizes energy peaks, and avoids oversized heating systems, thus alleviating space constraints and minimizing the cost of retrofits to decarbonize the building over time.

      Learn More

      Making a business case for strategic decarbonization requires thinking beyond a traditional energy audit approach or simple payback analysis. It assesses business-as-usual costs and risks against the costs and added value of phased decarbonization investments in the long-term.

      Retrofit Costs

      Decarbonization Costs

      Avoided Risks

      Business-as-Usual Costs

      Avoided Risks

      Business-as-Usual Risks

      Added Value

      Decarbonization Value

      Net Present Value
      Learn More

      An emissions decarbonization roadmap helps building owners visualize their future emissions reductions by outlining the CO2 reductions from selected energy conservation measures. This roadmap is designed with a phased approach, considering a 20- or 30-year timeline, and incorporates the evolving benefits of grid decarbonization, ensuring a comprehensive view of long-term environmental impact.

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      The Empire Technology Prize is a $10 million competitive opportunity for global solution providers focused on advancing building technologies for low-carbon heating system retrofits in tall commercial and multifamily buildings across New York State. This NYSERDA initiative, administered by The Clean Fight with technical support from Rocky Mountain Institute, includes a $3 million sponsorship from Wells Fargo. Accelerating low-carbon building retrofits is fundamental to New York State’s national-leading Climate Act agenda, including the goal to achieve an 85% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

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      Case Study

      Intervention Points and Best Practices

      Project Status


      Under Construction

      Monitoring & Evaluation

      A baseline assessment is key to understanding current systems and performance, then identifying conditions, requirements or events that will trigger a decarbonization effort. The assessment looks across technical systems, asset strategy and sectoral factors.

      Building System Conditions
      Asset Conditions
      Market Conditions
      Learn More

      Effective engineering integrates measures for reducing energy load, recovering wasted heat, and moving towards partial or full electrification. This increases operational efficiencies, optimizes energy peaks, and avoids oversized heating systems, thus alleviating space constraints and minimizing the cost of retrofits to decarbonize the building over time.

      Learn More

      Making a business case for strategic decarbonization requires thinking beyond a traditional energy audit approach or simple payback analysis. It assesses business-as-usual costs and risks against the costs and added value of phased decarbonization investments in the long-term.

      Retrofit Costs

      Decarbonization Costs

      Avoided Risks

      Business-as-Usual Costs

      Avoided Risks

      Business-as-Usual Risks

      Added Value

      Decarbonization Value

      Net Present Value
      Learn More

      An emissions decarbonization roadmap helps building owners visualize their future emissions reductions by outlining the CO2 reductions from selected energy conservation measures. This roadmap is designed with a phased approach, considering a 20- or 30-year timeline, and incorporates the evolving benefits of grid decarbonization, ensuring a comprehensive view of long-term environmental impact.

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      Insights from Empire Building Challenge

      Prioritizing Decarbonization Interventions 

      While each individual building has a unique capital improvement plan and timeline, retrofit projects or decarbonization interventions may be organized and grouped by similarity as property owners plan for the future. Below is the overarching hierarchy for decarbonization intervention points according to industry best practices:

      1. Facade Upgrades
      2. Windows Upgrades
      3. Ventilation Upgrades with Energy Recovery Ventilators (ERV)
      4. Maximize the reduction of distribution temperatures
      5. Maximize surface area of terminal units
      6. Supplement 90% of peak load with hybrid electrification strategies
      7. Eliminate peak load “last-mile” with innovative strategies in storage and/or thermal demand response
      • Delay replacement of gas-fired equipment with new gas-fired equipment as long as possible. Rebuild and maintain existing equipment until replacement.
      • Replace all remaining non-LED lighting and include lighting controls at the time of retrofit
      • Seal rooftop bulkhead doors and windows.
      • Add smoke-activated fire dampers or annealed glass to the elevator shaft vent grill in the elevator machine room.
      • Install algorithmic controls on top of the existing boiler control system.
      • Balance steam distribution systems:
        • Identify condensate return leaks.
        • Right-size air vents and master vents.
        • Ensure all radiators are properly draining condensate.
        • Ensure all steam traps are functioning properly.
      • Implement Radiator Efficiency and Controls Measures:
        • Install thermostatic radiator valves (TRV) where possible.
        • Install RadiatorLabs radiator cover systems where possible (integrate with algorithmic boiler control).
      • Balance air supply and ventilation systems using proper air registers, louvers, dampers, and technology like Constant Airflow Regulator (CAR) dampers:
        • Need innovative methods of balancing temperature across commercial office floors (heat shifting and sharing from one building exposure to another, e.g. north vs. south).
        • Balance air supply and return across vertical pressure gradients.
        • Seal vent stack perforations/leaks (e.g. mastic sealer).
      • Increase efficiency of pumps and motors:
        • Add VFD controllers to all pumps and motors.
        • Replace rooftop exhaust fans (e.g. mushroom fans or similar) with electronic commutated motors.
      • Implement algorithmic controls on top of existing Building Management Systems (BMS) in commercial office buildings.
      • Hybrid Domestic Hot Water (DHW) Plants: Add DHW heat pump equipment to an existing gas fired DHW plant.
        • Consider the option to direct bathroom exhaust air to DHW heat pump equipment.
      • Install Energy Recovery Ventilation (ERV) system.
      • Install rooftop solar.
      • Procure New York State-sourced renewable power.
      • Procure biomethane from utility via pilot program.
      • Procure renewable hydrogen blend from utility via pilot program.
      • Develop innovative means of participating in gas demand response:
        • Delay boiler firing with controls or other means.
        • Procure biodiesel blend for fuel switching requirement.
        • Thermal storage and hybrid plants (electrification)
          • DHW electrification (partial or full load)
          • Split system or PTAC partial load heating electrification
      • Add central-control compatible thermostats to apartments and office suites to control decentralized heating and cooling systems.
        • Enable aggregate demand response activity.
      • Fully electrify DHW systems:
        • Air source DHW heat pump.
        • Resistance DHW.
        • High-efficiency thermal storage.
        • Supplement with solar thermal where compatible.
      • Overlaid or insulated masonry facades with high ongoing Local Law 11 cost.
      • Eliminate uninsulated radiator cabinets/niches in exterior walls.
        • Install wall-mounted slim radiators with TRV or other controls.
        • Install RadiatorLabs technology.
      • Begin routine window replacement plan with high-performance windows.
      • Support cogeneration systems with biomethane (injection) procurement.
      • Explore hydrogen (injection) procurement to support cogeneration and centralized heating plants.
      • Develop on-site battery storage systems to manage building load profiles and reduce peak usage.
        • Integrate with an existing on-site generation where compatible.
      • Increase thermal mass/thermal inertia and expand thermal storage capacity using Phase Change Material (PCM) products. Products currently include: ceiling tiles, wall panels, AHU inserts, thermal storage tank inserts:
        • Embrace overnight free cooling.
        • Shift loads associated with thermal demand.
        • Capture and store waste heat.
      • Implement centralized or in-building distributed thermal storage systems to shift thermal loads to off-peak periods.
      • Convert low-temperature heating distribution systems to shared loop systems or geothermal systems; building distribution is already optimized for low-temperature distribution: water source heat pumps, large surface area terminal units (radiant panels, underfloor heat, fan coils, etc.)
        • Interconnect with early shared loop system phases (private or utility-led).
        • Eliminate cooling tower as a primary cooling system (may remain as a backup as feasible).
      • Where necessary, convert high-temperature heating distribution systems to low-temperature distribution systems; systems converted from fin tube to radiant panels, fan coils, or water source heat pumps as feasible.
        • The supplement heat source for hydronic heat pumps with solar thermal technology (water source heat pumps).
      • Embrace consumer products that reduce building loads and peak demand:
        • Appliances with onboard battery storage.
        • Networked smart appliances.
        • Power over Ethernet (PoE) DC-powered, low voltage products.
          • DC power distribution networks make use of on-site renewable energy and energy storage.
      • Advanced DC[1] and AC/DC hybrid Power Distribution Systems[2]
      • Install HVAC Load Reduction Technology:
        • Capture VOCs and CO2 in liquid sorbent.
        • Engage with the liquid sorbent management company to safely dispose of scrubbed gases (carbon sequestration, etc.).
        • Use buildings hosts for negative carbon technology and focusing on direct air capture to achieve larger decarbonization goals (carbon capture and sequestration)
      • Electric Distribution Upgrade Needed:
        • Begin replacement of centralized heating systems with decentralized heating and cooling systems where appropriate. Technology includes: PTAC, VTAC, ducted PTAC, VRF, and similar technology.
        • Replace stoves, ranges, and cooktops with electric equipment: resistance, convection, or induction.
        • Integrate Building Distribution with an advanced electric vehicle (EV) charging network to provide power to parked EVs and to extract power at peak periods (EV owners opt-in for reduced parking rates, other benefits, etc.).
      • Install multi-function glass during window or facade replacement:
        • Install building-integrated PV during facade retrofits.
        • PV glass.
        • Electrochromic glass.
        • Vacuum Insulated glass.
      • Install highly insulated panels at spandrels:
        • Vacuum insulated panels.
        • Aerogel insulated panels.
      • Replace cooling towers with advanced heat rejection technology:
        • Passive radiative cooling technology.
      • Interconnect with 100% hydrogen distribution network.
      • Pair advanced, on-site battery storage systems with hydrogen fuel cells.

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